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- Get more Google reviews
- Fix business listings across 50+ sites
- Access to all premium features including AI
- Hands-on onboarding support
Trusted by 150k+ local brands and businesses
Birdeye customers get results
With Birdeye, we’ve increased our number of reviews by nearly 200% YoY, which has greatly contributed to brand lift and recall.
Birdeye gives our company instant credibility and makes getting reviews easier. We’ve seen an increase in customers contacting us directly from online, which gets our foot in the door. Birdeye also helps us build trust with customers, which is invaluable.
Birdeye brings the cacophony of 50+ location directory listing and reputation management down to a harmonious blend through a single, intuitive platform. Birdeye's solution has given me the perspective I need to effectively manage our expansive footprint.
Our online reviews have increased exponentially! As a result, we’re getting more business because we know our potential customers make buying decisions based on current customer reviews. It’s a cycle — and it works!
We’ve dramatically improved our online reputation. We have a direct connection to our customers that we’ve never had before — and with that, we’ve improved customer retention and customer experience.
I’ve loved watching our reputation transform from dismal to extremely healthy. Birdeye has one of the easiest platforms and teams to work with and has outperformed the others we've tried. This is a big deal!
Birdeye makes it easy to give your customers a number of different ways to reach you. They’ve been an integral part of us reducing our customer cancellations by over 50% this year.
From diner manager to regional vice president, every person using Birdeye can filter and fine-tune the platform to make it work best for them.
We are laser-focused on the patient experience from the top down. With Birdeye, we’re able to get a detailed look at our patients, our successes, and areas where we could improve.
Birdeye saves us time, improves our hospitality efforts, and helps us be strategic. The platform allows us to keep all of our attention on the guest experience, not on technology.
Birdeye has revolutionized the way we engage customers and promote positive user-generated content online.
Patients always tell us how great we are. Now our patients can tell everyone else. Easy to use, set up and Birdeye maintains it.
You spend your time turning clients into evangelists, and then Birdeye will give them a platform to evangelize to the masses. It’s a perfect system. Everybody wins.