Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7615 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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The best marketing tool for our practice since the yellow pages went obsolete.
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Great responses so far. We love it!
- a
It works great for our company!
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I think you have do a great job posting and monitoring our site. Response time after patient's leave are prompt. keep up the good work
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It has been very nice getting feedback from patients both positive and negative. Your team has kept things easy and efficient for myself and my staff. This has helped us come together as a team as we review these weekly in our huddles! Thanks to all of you!!
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We have seen an increase in business due to our reviews. Thank you, Birdeye!
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I like being able to respond in one place for all my stores.
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Been very successful for us. Really don’t want my local competitors to use it??
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Birdeye has been great in growing our practice. We are nothing but impressed with how much it has helped us get reviews.
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It’s a very easy site to navigate, and point on stuff
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We appreciate how Birdeye is constantly adding new features and improved interfaces. This is very important to us.
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We have definitely increased the amount of patient reviews we receive! The app makes it easy to receive and respond to patient reviews.
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I get more reviews because of Birdseye. Their support is the best I’ve ever dealt with.
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This is a great service with great result for reviews!
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I really like the fact that you email me when we get a new review. Thank you guys! Daina
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Everyone has been so helpful and system is easy to use for me and my customers! Thank you!
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I did not expect results from Birdeye but I was proven wrong. So yes to Birdeye. Keep up the great job! Connie - Administrator
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I like that many of the reviews go to Google, where people truly look.
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So far so good. Easy to use and friendly/helpful support.
- q
Great. Love it
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Awesome! The doc and staff were great!
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It has been easy and effective
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So far, Birdeye has delivered more than any other reputation company I have worked with.
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Amazing Drs and staff.... Very professional and pleasant... I highly recommend this office... The best dental experience I've ever had