Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7616 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Has really made requesting reviews super easy! And getting good responses.
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Very happy with our BirdEye experience. It has been a tremendous help in gathering reviews and getting us more "online" presence.
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We are happy with Birdeye.
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Really easy to maneuver .
- a
Easy and very informative
- c
Birdeye has been amazing for our company. Chris helped get our company set up in Spring of 2017. We had a total of 75 reviews over all platforms over 10 years and a lousy 3.5 rating. Since Birdeye we have received almost an additional 600 reviews in less than 2 years and our rating is up to 4.7 across all platforms. We get customers calling us now based on our reviews alone. Thank you Birdeye!
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I really like the results I have had!
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It has been fantastic. You have tripled my reviews in just a few months. Overall a great experience.
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wonderful product! Easy to use...
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Great ROI
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Very helpful for getting reviews
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Its been a great investment for our private practice. It does not overwhelm the patients with multiple text messages.
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Great for reviews.
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Great! Thank you Love the fact that I can reach Dr Tau and he is responsive.
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great way of collecting pt reviews on Google. Wish they could do that for Yelp too
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Great experience has really helped grow our online reviews.
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I've had tons of new reviews. Rarely does a patient complain about being asked to review us. We get most of our new patients because of our reviews. I'm very happy. Thank you!
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Easy to use, prompt in set up and following up with patients
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Every time we have had an issues the team has been responsive and always a big help!
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It has been very good
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Easy to use, provides a great platform for responding to all reviews.
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Bird Eye helps us engage with our patient's & prompt them to tell everyone about their experience at our office. This has helped generate more patient's who found us by our reviews! Thank you Bird Eye!
- c
A Professional and proactive company!
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Incorporating Birdeye into our office has been a great practice builder. I definitely recommend them.
- k
BirdEye had become an important part of our business from helping us collect positive reviews, to staying on top of any negative customer experiences. We also love the new webchat feature, not only has it allowed us to connect with potential customers but also added a layer of customer service to current customers. A benefit we didn't expect. Thank you to the BirdEye team for all you do helping us succeed as a small business.