Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7616 reviews75 reviews have no rating
- c
Easy and very effective.
- b
- d
Awesome program for reviews.
- b
Great service and so far a great response from our potential and existing clients. Especially like the web chat button:)
- k
Easy on board. Good customer service.
- l
It’s a great way to get reviews from patients and referrals on your Facebook or Google reviews which are so important to getting people to your office!
- j
Very satisfied.
- l
- l
Its good
- a
Been an easy efficient method to generate referrals.
- j
- m
Since signing up with birdeye we've been very happy and have had no issues that haven't been taken care of already.
- e
Always works
- g
Good sevice, hope will improve business traffic for my company
- p
Very easy to use.
- j
I wish that we could include a button for a yelp review.
- u
As of today an easy tool to work with and happy to see some results. We need more reviews but at least we see progress since we used Birdeye. Please keep adding more functionalities to make easier to our customers to express their opinion
- t
It's just good and easy.
- r
Every time I get review BirdEye handed it Property, it helps me to grow my business and I have been seeing a lot of good results
- c
Great Google online presence from positive patient reviews!
- m
They let me know when my Managers are slacking. Very appreciated!
- d
Birdeye has been very helpful for me to collect and publish patient reviews. Easy to use and has really helped my online presence.
- s
very personal with good follow up
- j
Tremendous increase in reviews. Highly recommend this service.
- p
Easy to Use! Makes managing reviews for businesses super easy to use!