Our reviews
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7595 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Really glad Shivani texted me so we could address it and get it knocked out with a text and call. Thanks!
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Great onboarding. Thanks Gautam.
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Avinash is always helpful. Thank you!
- m
The rep was extremely nice, patient and helpful!
- c
Great follow up. No need to try so hard though. We are busy too and will follow back up when we can. Great help!!
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BirdEye has helped us get about 450 reviews! We love them!!! ????
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Thank you!
- d
Sagar is exceptional! Thanks so much! Dorothy D4C
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Husain was so helpful and quick with our resolution! It was great chatting with him.
- m
The rep was clear and concise in his guidance.
- a
The rep that assisted was great and completed the ticket as needed. I wish the resource center had more details about this ticket which is why I rated it neutral.
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timely response to a time sensitive matter
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Support was knowledgeable and provided a solution quickly!
- l
Rep was very kind, patient and helpful!
- r
Representative went above and beyond. Definitely something Venture Solar aspires to every day.
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The representative I talked to was great. My only issue was the time I had to wait on hold to talk to the great rep.
- c
Great experience. Issue was handled quickly and effectively.
- e
Great help but wish the platform would allow the customer to enter the info directly.
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Thank you!
- j
The representative was very helpful and knew exactly what I needed assistance with. He deserves a shout out!
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I was contacted quickly after submitting my ticket. The representative was very knowledgeable and was able to help me with the issue. Thank you!
- j
The representative that helped me was amazing, helpful and very knowledgeable.
- s
My issue was solve right away and was even followed up with 2 follow up calls and e-mail. Thank you!
- j
The Birdeye representative was ab absolute pleasure to work with today. She was very knowledgeable & friendly.