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7590 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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OJ was extremely helpful and resolved our issue in a matter of minutes. Thank you so much for the great support. Happy New Year! Thomas
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Great job, Sumeet!
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Support has faster response rate than before. Their staff are polite and easy to talk to. It's just during onboarding a client, I believe the professional in-charge must include giving an overview to the customer how they can manage Birdeye to enhance their online reputation. There are times after the integration of Birdeye to their PMS and main server, the Birdeye personnel forget to give an overview on how the client works around Birdeye interface. But overall, I like their service.
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Praveen was extremely helpful
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Very interested in helping me and he did!
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Sumeet continues to be very helpful!
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Avinash is great. Always on point!
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Praveen was very helpful and resolved the issue.
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faster response than before
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Sumeet continues to be very helpful in addressing issues. The timeliness is out of his hands, as it's reflective of Google and their lack of speed in addressing our concerns.
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Thorough and pleasant
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Customer service was very helpful and was able to resolve my issue quickly.
- a
Great experience, Sunny was wonderful to work with.
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your customer service is admirable. rep was extremely polite.