Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7588 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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We love Birdeye! A great last touch to our clients buying/selling process!
- a
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Birdeye has helped both of my companies get more reviews. I will be signing up another company this summer.
- c
It has been great and I have actually reomended you to a few others that are with y’all now I think. Keep up the good work
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It’s always been great!
- e
Great for keeping up with all reviews
- d
Very responsive.
- v
Good service and like it
- b
This is been a great resource to be able to track your online reputation. It works wonderfully
- r
Really great, has helped us achieve our goals!
- m
BirdEye has been great for my business. I’m hoping I can continue to afford them as they really do everything that they said they would.
- j
The review part of birdeye sort happens in the back ground and we have tripled our reviews in the last 3 months.
- n
your the best thing out there and worth every penny
- p
Very, very useful. One of my best tools to gauge how my practice is being perceived. Really helps me!
- s
great product
- a
Been great. Lately not able to get as many responses now. Not sure why.
- p
I have increased my reviews four-fold or more since signing up and they go to google and Facebook. I have found this very helpful since the overwhelming majority are positive reviews. I have had new patients who came to me after reading positive reviews. I also get several reviews a week so they are always up to date.
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Everything is great. Thanks.
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It is exactly what it is supposed to be!
- j
It’s very simple and easy to use. Has helped get our reviews up!
- u
Great Service whenever I've called in
- s
Birdeye has increased my number of reviews and had enhanced me presence on google.
- p
It has been a great practice builder...wish I had done this year's ago
- k
Birdeye has had the biggest impact on my business out of all the endeavors I have pursued. I would recommend to all business owners!
- c
It has become much more efficient to obtain reviews from our client.