Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7588 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Its been very positive and rewarding
- a
It was very helpful at first but only in conjunction with very good follow through from my front desk. We now have many nice reviews but I would say they slowed down recently.
- l
Great reviews!
- w
excellent review source - love you guys! thank you Om Spa & West Village Ob/Gyn
- p
Very effective way of obtaining good results!
- a
Good experience. Would like patients to first click a star rating then next screen comments. Many forget to click star rating. Don’t love messaging service. Don’t want patients to be able to text me
- j
Great job !
- s
Birdeye is good... but I think that the WebChat/Messenger is very limited, especially for $100 a month. We also were offered Google Seller Rating... but that will cost extra as well. We are looking at alternatives as a result of this "nickle and diming". We've sent several emails to Ryan, our Account Executive, but have not gotten a reply in several weeks.
- n
BirdEye is great, as Independant it’s kmoortant to stay on top of clients this solution offers feedback on how your doing.
- t
Everything has been great, love the generated posts from the reviews on Facebook
- n
Would like additional locations of same business to be less expensive.
- m
It’s so stinkin easy!! We don’t do everyone gets a review link. We like more control. It’s easy breezy.
- e
Very helpful in obtaining and monitoring reviews.
- m
So far it’s been a good platform. As long as there is an existing email list or phone numbers.
- v
I talk to miss Sarkar couple of time , she is very helpful and responsible person.
- b
I am very happy with the results .
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Wonderful value to have you as a partner
- a
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Your system is achieving what we had hoped for.
- i
Smooth and enjoyable
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Very happy with my experience
- a
BirdEye has been an amazing tool for our agency.
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It’s been so nice to receive the feedback from our clients And we love how it helps promote our business by speaking of ways we stand out from the pack!
- d
Easy to use and request reviews. Love it
- a
Fantastic program. It takes the hassle out of requesting reviews, and provides clear reporting so that we can monitor our progress and reward employees who get the best results.