Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7588 reviews75 reviews have no rating
- j
- a
Very nice and formal Place to leave a review. I wish the review could be one step instead of checking in and then going to an email to leave the review
- k
Best ROI for getting great reviews!
- m
- c
Very easy to work with Birdeye and always answer my questions quickly. We have increased our reviews by 99% and it is amazing!
- s
We love it!
- s
I love that in my business my clients gets that reminder right away and its very easy for them to write the review. Excellent
- c
Great service 150% of the time. Very prompt when any questions need to be addressed. Thank you
- j
The reviews have helped our business immensely. I like the way our business is put together on its own page showing the reviews.
- r
Great Service!
- j
I love Birdeye! Reviews are way up and we're getting customers in our stores because of our reviews!
- b
We love Birdeye! It had increased the amount of reviews we get tremendously - especially on Google. We had a customer choose us recently that said "I've done a lot of research on places to stay in Nashville and I chose to stay at 506 Lofts because of all of your incredible reviews!" Thanks Birdeye!
- k
It has been the single best driver to get patients to write reviews. Also provided a critical stopping point for less than favorable reviews.
- l
Great experience and good customer service.
- d
It’s great info and easy to do!
- m
It has been the most efficient way for us to receive quick feed back on our customer service and to get Google reviews.
- c
Love it get good reviews
- j
I think you are doing a good job!
- s
- k
Birdseye helps keep the momentum going to gain feedback for guest "in the moment".
- e
It’s been great
- m
Love the month end report and a good picture of those reached by your program!!
- k
Love it!
- j
Great service!
- c
Awesome, really put me on the map