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  • t

    Once I received the call from the tech, things went quickly and accurately. He walked me through the steps to resolve my issue

  • c

    The representative was very helpful and thorough.

  • l

    The man who helped me over the phone had a good understanding of the information and was quite helpful.

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • s

    Thanks Avinash

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • k

    Sumeet is the best!

  • m

    They fixed a complicated integration issue and followed up with me.

  • w

    Effective. Efficient. And easy to use!!

  • c

    Everyone I have had interactions with at Birdeye have been absolutely incredible. Had a #3 OnBoarding meeting this morning with Vijay and had only one issue to discuss. He let me know he’d work on it and I was contacted within a few hours to work on a resolution by Kaushlandra. These two are superstars! Savannah is my #1 and recently met Cole who did an incredible job creating a website for us, utilizing our demographics. Brilliant! We are not a big company- it is my husband and myself. We have started from nothing and keep So grateful for Birdeye and the whole team!

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • r

    I'll spare you my rant with reference to the issues I had(have) with Birdeye. However, I would like to highly commend Kaush for the assistance he gave. He was able to quickly ascertain the problem and offer solution for the issue to the best that the Birdeye platform will allow. And - above all - he remained professional and cool in the face of my unhinged tantrums both on the phone and on email. Thank you Kaush

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • k

    Sumeet is always fantastic to work with! He responds efficiently, professionally, and accurately to all Birdeye support tickets.

  • j

    Answered all my questions