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From leads to loyalty: An Experience Marketing masterclass

The modern customer has more options than ever. If they have just one experience with a business that doesn’t live up to their expectations, they can find an alternative with a simple Google search. In an environment like this, retaining customers over time is difficult — but with the right strategy, it is possible. In this webinar, we’ll sit down with Amberlee Maya, Director of Marketing of the leading mattress and furniture retailer Rent King. We'll learn her secret to turning customers into lifelong brand advocates.

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In this webinar, you’ll hear:

Highlights Image 1727347672_1617916776870
  • How Rent King leverages the power of happy customers to rank higher on Google
  • How all 18 of the locations that Amberlee oversees communicate with customers seamlessly
  • How to turn a negative customer experience into a win for your business
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Who you’ll hear from

WebinarPresenters 1617916319900

Amberlee Maya

Director of MarketingRent King
Dhiraj.nallapaneni@birdeye.com 1574756330672

Dhiraj Nallapaneni

Experience Marketing EvangelistBirdeye

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