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  • m

    Srijan was not only extremely competent but diligently helped. We have been a BirdEye client at $250 a month for maybe 5 years and found a good ROI on the spend without really logging in or using the services to the fullest. Its good to see a legitimate review service that is Google SEO friendly. Anyways at first I was apprehensive when calling the call center off site it seemed, but was the total opposite as Srijan had a solid grasp of my situation and the technical things he could and could not do. After a lengthy explanation to Srijan he not only fully understood my concerns without any issues at all, but he worked hard to help. So in summary the one call in the 5 years as a client I am very satisfied with the reps competency and will continue as a client without reserve.

  • v

    Extremely helpful and responsive.

  • j

    Thank you for responding and resolving the issue so quickly! It was less than an hour. I was able to get the invoice printed out for our accountant.

  • f

    i was helped out in a timely manner and all my questions were answered. However, i have a suggestion for Birdeye- Please make OPT OUT a must in all text messages. We get very angry customers sometimes, and it is easier for them to opt out by themselves, rather than yelling at us!

  • k

    Girish exemplified excellent customer service. I appreciate his patience as I navigated to the appropriate sites. He made my day!

  • j

    They helped solve the recurring issue quickly...I just hope the solution is a permanent one and we don't have to keep going back and forth like this.

  • s

    The staff is very helpful and patient !

  • p

    Rohtash B. was excellent. Very timely and professional and helped solve a connection issue.

  • r

    The representative helped me remove my review for replacement following a resolution with the business I reviewed. It would have been more convenient to have an edit link directly on the page the review was left on to edit.

  • s

    very helpful ! what would I do without you!

  • a

    Thank you Rohtash!

  • a

    Answered my question fully and solved the problem

  • w

    The customer support has been great.

  • e

    Love the BirdEye support team, always very friendly, prompt, and effective!! :)

  • j

    Fast and efficient, as always. Thank you!

  • j

    I am so glad I switched to this service! Both the product and the support/training team are amazing!

  • a

    Thank you Rohtash!

  • z

    Arka Karmakar was the implementation specialist that I worked with. He was SO knowledgeable and patient. He always followed up when he said he would and was able to find solutions to any issue that arose. Thank you so much, Arka! As an aside, the billing process has been a pain point for us. The checks we would send to pay our invoices would take a very long time to get processed on Birdeye's end, resulting in me and my immediate supervisor getting several final notices for invoices that we had sent a check for weeks prior. Although this was frustrating (and a bit embarrassing when my boss would come to me to ask why invoices were unpaid), Arka was able to help us understand the situation and relayed information from us to the billing department. Overall, we have been very pleased with our experience and the platform.

  • s

    Ajay went above and beyond! He truly spent a lot of time working to ensure we resolved the issue and not only grew my appreciation for Birdeye, but also for our client! I will be recommending Birdeye to others simply because of his dedication to doing a great job!

  • a


  • a

    Thank you !

  • l

    Himanshu was helpful and courteous - he resolved my issue with professionalism and expeditiously. Thank you!

  • a

    Girish was fantastic even though i was running late to the meeting he still stuck around and helped me get everything set up!

  • d

    So convenient to have reviews in one spot to reply too! So far, the team has been great!

  • d

    Excellent support team. They are great at resolving my issues and answering my questions.