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  • l

    Really glad I just started using Birdeye for my ophthalmology practice. The onboarding process has gone very well and Birdeye's system makes it easy for us to get reviews from patients. Our Google star rating has gone up significantly in only one week!

  • g

    The representative who helped me was extremely knowledgeable and assertive. The Instagram feature seemed to be giving us kickback and it took about 45-60 minutes to resolve. I think the team needs to add more instruction on integrating Instagram.

  • b

    Response is always very knowledgable, courteous, and prompt!

  • a

    Thank you Don and Divya!

  • j

    Fast and efficient. Side note, you may want to adjust the last question on this survey that asks about using the help center. I often submit requests to support that I know the help center doesn't assist with, yet I am forced to select how well it supported me. Maybe give the option to select n/a or add "(Leave blank, if you did not use the help center)" to the end of the statement. As an example, I had reviews manually removed from the BE platform because they were removed from the review platform (i.e. Google, Yelp). I cannot use help center for this request. I send the request directly to support, but I still have to rate help center everytime.

  • d

    I talk to the teams quite a bit and they are always great. Thanks for your support.

  • a


  • s

    Rishi has done a great job of helping us understand the Birdeye tools and implement them as appropriate for our business. He has great mastery of the platform and pulls in resources such as an API expert when needed. His customer service has been excellent and I highly recommend him. The only opportunity area I can think of is to build his knowledge of HIPAA requirements as it relates to the utilization of the platform. This has not been an issue at all for our implementation just a suggestion for further growth. Overall, Rishi has done a great job and our results are showing it!

  • w

    Ajay has been very helpful every time we have spoken. Good customer service.

  • t

    Thank you!

  • a

    Thank you X100

  • j

    Sumeet fixed the issue and even went above and beyond by pointing out related issues that were not identified in the original request.

  • l

    Nidhi Verma helped me with my issue abd was kind, patient, friendly and very knowledgeable. I had a very positive experience abd can not say enough good things about Ms. Verma

  • m

    great team

  • a

    Thank you Ajay!!!!!

  • f

    Nidhi was excellent as always. Answered all questions and solved my problem. This is a suggestion for the developers- Please figure out a way to stop sending review requests to patients who have already clicked on the link and responded. You can somehow put a code or snippet/rule in your algorithm or code and rule out those contacts who have responded. This way they won't be bombarded with reviews every time they check out. Or you could take it a step further, and if they responded with a Google review, thank them for the G review, make it more personal and request for a Facebook review now. I hope you take this into consideration. Thank you.

  • b

    Srijan is amazing! He's very courteous, knowledgable, thorough, and responsive!

  • b

    Same as my last review. Srijan is amazing!

  • a

    Thank you Divya!

  • a

    Thank you !!!

  • j

    Great and fast help

  • v

    Quickly solve the problem and was very personable

  • a

    Thank you!

  • s

    Srijan is AWESOME and helped us TREMENDOUSLY! Thank you, Srijan! I enjoyed talking with you and greatly appreciate your prompt professional assistance. Sandy

  • a

    Birdeye is the best