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We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.


7471 reviews

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2,861 reviews
579 reviews
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  • c

    Everything is going well. Thank you

  • r


  • t

    Great customer service

  • a

    Our social media awareness has definitely improved and we are getting great, quality reviews.

  • m

    BirdEye has been wonderful. We have gotten some great reviews and your system is so easy for us to use.

  • j

    So far everything has been great! Love the customer service!

  • j

    patients are coming to the practice due to the reviews

  • o

    Bird-Eye has been extremely helpful with getting reviews and positive presence on Google and Healthgrades. No other company has done this for us! When I have needed Tech Support they respond quickly and efficiently.

  • j

    Love it

  • d

    We love the app.

  • t

    Great idea wish we could include Yelp.

  • d

    We went from 4 or 5 reviews a year to about 50 last year. Outstanding.

  • b

    It's easy to create a campaign and analyze the responses.

  • d

    We have had amazing results from using Birdeye. I would recommend you guys extremely high!!! 10 plus!!! Thank you!!

  • m

    Thanks for the help

  • t

    Easy and effective

  • h

    Birdeye has increased our reviews exponentially. We are able to handle any issues we have from customer feedback internally. Great!

  • d

    Great service!! Quick and fast.

  • d

    So far it has been great. We are up to 70 reviews. People like to read reviews when choosing a dentist

  • j

    Simple and easy to use

  • j

    They are phenemonal!! Our ratings have gone up since we started using them. It is so easy that makes it more convenient for our patients to use.

  • m

    Works very well

  • l

    I own an advertising agency and I am A reseller a BirdEye. I have many clients that take advantage of the awesome opportunities that Birdeye has to offer. I plan to grow this part of my business in a big way in 2019. Thank you so much. Lynn

  • c

    Love it not had it long enough to get the full effect of what is can do for us

  • j

    Easy and productive!