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  • s

  • j

    Great people, great product.

  • b

    It was a great implementation

  • d

    Thank you Raj . you were polite , genuine and went above and beyond . you saw that there were all these positive reviews and comments on Charter Radiology but were not posted because patients either failed to give a rating or hit the wrong button . you went ahead and posted all those reviews on birdeye review site for Charter Radiology . thanks so much for your extraordinaire work ethic. wish you much success Dr Daisy Uppal

  • k

    Very nice. Still new and loving it so far

  • s

    Very patient & wonderful!!

  • f

  • m

    After 3 people support people tried, Saurabh was able to solve my problem

  • r

  • t

  • p

    Everyone has been very good. Some are outstanding - for instance, I just got off the phone shortly ago with Peter. He was fantastic. Could not have been any more understanding and supportive.

  • a

    Got to me in a timely manner and resolved my problem quickly. Customer service is great!

  • v

    New to Birdeye Pros: The product seems to be very promising...Just getting started so hope to have more to share in the very near future. Cons: Running in to some bug issues - but support is standing behind it I am utmost confident all will work out great. Overall: The support and training has been top notch. I cannot wait to really get up and running with this product and see what it can do for my clients.

  • r

    Guy was great. Kind of disappointed with birdseye why does my link keep falling of track?

  • k

    Trying to type a 9 above but it doesn’t seem to stick. I’ve had two experiences....spoke to someone in September about the address change and nothing happened. Now I made a request, this time through your system and it seems to be updating all the listings...thanks

  • b

    They were very helpful and prompt with their replies! No complaints whatsoever.

  • g

    Very informative and thorough. No suggestions at this point.

  • c

    Awesome Customer Support Pros: Easy to use and it does result in more reviews. Plus the customer support has been great. Cons: Not able to integrate sharing of Yelp reviews. But that is more of a problem with Yelp.

  • a

    The rep responded very quickly to my ticket. He also called a second time to follow up since he did not reach me the first time.

  • v


  • k

    Great Reviews Tool Pros: It is pretty user friendly once you get the hang of it. Cons: It does take just a few sessions to figure out how to use the tool, effectively. Overall: Great Support team and pretty cool reviews tool.

  • c

    My rep, Jordan, was very helpful and informative. I look forward to working with him again next week.

  • s

    Birdeye Review Pros: BirdEye gives regular , prompt feedback from my patients, it makes following up with my patients so easy. Cons: I have not found anything yet that I do not like. Overall: This service keeps tabs on my reviews so I see EVERYDAY how my staff is doing. I can address the few issues I have had quickly while it is still fresh in everyone's mind and turn a negative into a positive!

  • c

    BirdEye Pros: Simple and intuitive interface and very effective. Cons: We only use the review tools and I have nothing bad to say. Overall: It has been great from signing up to onboarding to putting it to use.

  • c

    The rep answered all my questions.