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  • k

    Just had a wonderful experience with BirdEye! My customer manager, Rachel was very knowledgeable, personable, informative and extremely helpful!

  • a

  • g

    Jaqueline was very knowlegable, accomodating to my schedule for our training, I'm looking forward to working with your company in all our review needs. I'll be more than happy to recommend you to my friends too. Thank you for a good experience so far!

  • t

    Great experience. Kyle was excellent and very thorough.

  • j

    very helpful with every question or concern I had

  • b

  • d

    Very helpful. I especially appreciate that the Tech made a quick example within my account that I can refer to later. also offered to help me later, should I need it. Great job

  • c

  • k

    To be clear, we haven't had our follow up yet, but I'm certain Arpit will be great. We've implemented a lot of new software over the past year and he was, by far, the best advisor we have ever worked with. He was thorough, smart, polite and kind.

  • s

    Nothing you can do better. The person in customer support was able to quickly solve my issue. Thank you!

  • w

    My question was fully answered. Thank you

  • b

    I am very happy with the support I get. The person that called me was very helpful. Give him a raise!

  • n

    Very effective Great service, excellent follow up and easy to contact. If you have superb customer service this will benefit your business!

  • m

  • a

  • m

  • k

    I was impressed by the service based on the demo given but had my mind blown after my orientation call. Everyone is so professional and prompt with follow up and the service is everything I need and nothing I don't. Hopefully it's a good investment in the long run but so far we're satisfied!

  • b

    My question was answered with great detail.

  • s

  • a

    It was an awesome experience.

  • b

    Great program...great service. Highly recommend!!!

  • o

  • s

    Very prompt and focused on my questions and providing me the needed resolution.

  • h

    Thrilled at how patient Birdeye has been as I've had a multitude of questions.... Thank you Birdeye!

  • k

    We just started working with BirdEye and so far are very impressed. Their employees are very knowledgeable and the setup process was made very simple. They made sure that all of our questions were answered thoroughly and followed up regularly to ensure we were using the product to it’s full potential! I’ll update this review once I have some quantitative results to report!