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577 reviews
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  • a

    They took to thine to find answers and then relayed info to me later in the day with answers also.

  • j

    My rep was able to help me work thru a couple different issues I was having in about 7 minutes and I am completely satisfied with the results. THANK YOU

  • k

    Always great support,however one question I asked was not as clear, but it's okay.

  • d

    I appreciate being able to get help with setting up your software. Huge time saver!

  • s

    I really appreciate the work and resources they bring to resolving creative challenges.

  • a

    Mark was great! Very helpful and resolved my questions very fast. Thank you Mark!

  • j

    Such an Easy Service Pros: I enjoyed how easy it was to navigate around the site and also interacting with customers was a breeze. Cons: I do wish some of the features like viewing the closed cases were a little easier to access. Overall: Overall, Birdeye makes customer experience tracking very efficient and easy! I would definitely recommend to a friend or colleague!

  • s

    We are loving Birdeye! Pros: It's helped streamline our review request process as well as give our clients a way to reach out on chat which has saved us a ton of time and gotten us more sales. Cons: Having to create an API to connect to our POS but that's just because our POS is specialized, I don't think that's anything on Birdeye lacking. They've been great throughout the process and will only be better once we're linked.

  • r

    Great Customer Service! Pros: The customer service and reviews have been a big part! Cons: It's very expensive. Everything else is great!

  • m

    Changes you can see! Pros: Automation on review response. Ease of communication with some of the functions like negative reviews. Cons: The interface of updating listings. Too much manual updates to do on our own, very dependent on requesting updates.

  • d

    Great review app. Pros: I like the auto-post feature to social networks for reviews Cons: I wish the templates were more customizable. Wish it could track reviews sent via email. Overall: I have the app., now my challenge is to get my salespeople using it.

  • t

    Praveen was very helpful in assisting us with making our first payment! EASY BREEZY... Thank you, Praveen!

  • j

    Nidhi is excellent as always. Just wanted to give a shout out to the chat support as well. He made sure that Nidhi got my message. thanks everyone!

  • j

    They were great! They were very direct and helpful. They answered my additional questions as well.

  • l

    very helpful

  • s

    Ankur is very helpful. He will work until he fixes our problems.

  • i

    Thanks Birdeye!

  • s

    Great experience and very helpful!

  • f

    Excellent customer support. Thank you Souryyajit!

  • j

    Fast and Efficient

  • j

    Fast and Efficient

  • j

    fast and efficient

  • p


  • k

    Just great customer service, Brian was patient and knowledgable. I appreciated that he acted like he wanted to really help me, plus explained to me the difference between google and birdeye, never realized that. Hopefully google will find and post the review on birdeye.

  • r
