Our reviews
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7590 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Just signed up for Birdeye and so far the customer service has been great
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So far, so good! We have been using BirdEye for about 6 weeks now & we have seen a huge improvement in the review response numbers from our patients. Our online reviews were already great but there were just too few of them...BirdEye is really helping us grow our review numbers quickly. Definitely happy with the service!
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It was nice to work with Nick and I look forward to continuing the process
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Excellent customer service! We love Birdeye!
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Best decision I have made for my business all year.
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My experience with BirdEye to start off has been great! The setup with my business was easy and quick and we are already receiving an increase in reviews.
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Thank you, Don for all the information you gave us about BirdEye. We look forward to using your product in our office
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Rep made the whole process absolutely easy and straight forward. Great experience.
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A friend of mine who is a Dentist uses Birdeye as a Marketing tool in his practice. I set up a conference call with my marketing director and sales associate from Birdeye. I have been looking for this type of communication with my patients for a long time. Sam & Jacqueline were fantastic, it was so simple to manage and administer. I signed up immediately.
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Excellent way to text customers and get reviews! Great customer service!
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John my sales agent was extremely professional and thorough and verrrrry patient with me giving me all the information and allowing me time to make my decision. I would recommend him to my business association and friends ... and my on boarding Specialist w/ Sahill made several appointments with me that I had to cancel And was super polite with rescheduling and accommodating my busy life ....Thank you thank you thank you
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Love this! This tool has been great so far. Extremely helpful to our business!
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Absolutely loved how simple and easy it was working with Birdeye's support team. Anupama Chaudhary "Annie" was very helpful and pleasant to talk to and walked me through every step and was able to answer all of my questions. I welcome talking to her again next week.
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Very professional company! Appreciate their service!
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You guys are awesome thanks again
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Loved the service
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great company. i have hundreds of review in few months.
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Less than a week with Birdeye and I can not say enough good things about this company and operation! To say I am extremely satisfied would be a major understatement. From start to finish every representative has been very helpful and a true professional in every sense of the word. Everyone I came in contact with was keen on getting me the results I was looking for. From TOMMY, who start the process and was attentive to my needs. To ANNIE who gave a phenomenal easy to understand tutorial on the platform. To NICK, who took my feedback to heart, and reached out to make sure all my needs was met. Thanks to all of you for an amazing experience! By the way the service itself I believe every business owner in these days and times should have. Just an awesome user friendly platform that gets RESULTS!!!
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Thanks for your professionalism.