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We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.


7469 reviews

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579 reviews
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  • l

    Improved our review process! Pros: So easy to use and integrates with all of the sites we use. Cons: We've had a good experience. So far we have no issues. Overall: We were having a hard time consistently getting reviews and feedback and managing all the review sites. This has made it so easy and we now are receiving more reviews than ever before. We would highly recommend.

  • t

    Birdeye review Pros: We thought the software was an easy software to use. Cons: We haven't run into any issues as of yet. Overall: Birdeye has helped out practice with a lot of new patients. We are very excited about that.

  • j

    Great support from Peter and Ellen and all the staff!

  • t

    Great review platform for the fraction of the price. Easy to use and great customer support.

  • a

    Love the platform and support. A must have for any business!

  • c

  • j

    Very nice platform user friendly and fast....Get results NOW!!!

  • a

    This is the easiest, most user friendly review service ever!

  • a

    Onboarding was quick and painless. Excited for this new service!

  • j

    Great to get real time compliments via facebook and google from customers! our managers love it. Pros: The real time alerts, when a customer rates us on Google! Cons: It was a bit slow to intergrate with our self storage software. Overall: fantastic. Everyone is personalable and knowledgeable.

  • r

    Cant believe how easy to use it is Pros: I really like the options that it gives patients to text or leave a review. This option is helpful so that we may address some comments in private. It is very easy to use and navigate through. Cons: Notification updates can be overwhelming or delayed

  • d

    So many more reviews! Thank you BirdEye for making it so easy for us to get more reviews. We use to rely on customers to leave a review when they said that they would. But all too often they would forget. Having the BirdEye app allows us to immediately send a email to the customer as a reminder. So, we have more than doubled our chances of a review and we love it. Thank you so much.

  • m

    BirdEye Review Pros: I like that I can access daily reports to see how we are doing in our industry. It is very user friendly! Cons: I'm still looking for something to complain about.

  • a

    BirdEye Pros: Th software is super user friendly. Of course our ratings went up after using BirdEye Cons: When there is an issue it takes the team some time to get back with us . Overall: Our experience so far has been great. Our reviews are up, rating is up, and the everyone on the team can easily use the Dashboard.

  • s

    Jacqueline was amazingly helpful in setting up the platform. Can't wait to use this awesome service!

  • r

  • m

    Great Company, effective and the customer service is amazing.

  • h

    Babette was very helpful in the on-boarding process and we are excited to see how BirdEye is going to assist our business!

  • m

    BirdEye is a terrific company! The most outstanding aspect is their service and their diligent effort to communicate clearly. They also listen and follow up...which is even better. I would 100% recommend BirdEye to any business who is in the process of building their reputation and working to establish trust...whatever your field, product, or service.

  • c

  • m

    Thorough and helpful staff. A great experience tus far.

  • b

    Very good so far!!! Pleasant experience.

  • m

  • o

    BirdEye has been the best review management platform I have ever used and their support are great. Easy to contact and well accommodating making things easy for you. Keep up the great work guys..THUMBSUP

  • k