HomeAbout UsupdatesCreate a well-rounded online reputation by setting Review Goals
Jan 08, 2018

Create a well-rounded online reputation by setting Review Goals

NewBusinesses now have the ability to add review goals to help achieve review target for specific sites. Also, you can track your performance as you move towards achieving that goal.
Create a well-rounded online reputation by setting Review Goals

Birdeye announced adding review goals within the dashboard to help businesses achieve a desired number of reviews. Also, you can track your performance as you move towards achieving that goal.

Birdeye allows you to set review goals for one review site at a time. Once you achieve your review goals for a particular site, you can go ahead and create a review goal for another review site. This helps you create a well-rounded online reputation.

You can create a goal by scrolling to the summary dashboard. Under 'Review Summary' you will be able to view the existing number of reviews for the review sites added. 

You can also see the default 'Reviews goal' and the estimated number of 'Review requests' you will need to send to your customers in order to achieve that goal. To customize your review goal, click on the 'Change Goal' button.

You can also select the review website where you want to achieve your review goal along with the desired number of reviews you want. You can also add the number of customers you are likely to send review requests to every month. 

To learn more about this feature, read this help centre article.