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  • g

    Birdeye for Timber Dental Pros: The interface is very simple and easy to use! Cons: The automated responses are very inorganic, and tends to repeat the same message even if it doesn't apply to what the patient is entering.

  • j

    BEST system we've found! Pros: Birdeye is extremely easy to use and understand. The software makes sending review links, texting and interacting with customers and keeping track of everything so easy! Cons: I do not have any areas that are an issue for me. Overall: The benefit of using Birdeye is capturing our positive reviews and projecting those out onto our website, facebook page and other social media sources. It also allows us to respond to review, including negative reviews in a simple and easy format.

  • c

    BirdEye is a great way to get our company's name out to potential customers. In today's world reviews are everything to customers, BirdEye makes it easy :)

  • r

    "Very helpful connecting patients to give us a wonderful review!" What do you like best about Birdeye? I like how easy the process of connecting patients to reviews. The immediate feedback from patients and the reminders they send, just in care they forget. Also the help with asking for referrals. The website is very useful to see analytics and our growth. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I don't have anything that I dislike so far. This has been the easiest company to work with. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Why are you not using Birdeye? What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Connecting to patients Seeking reviews Reminders Online reputation management

  • v

    "Excellent Service" What do you like best about Birdeye? You are able to manage reviews all in one place. What do you dislike about Birdeye? So far we haven't found anything that we dislike about Birdeye. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: If you own a business Birdeye is highly recommended What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? It saves us time when receiving and responding to reviews. We are able to view and reply to reviews through Birdeye instead of having to log into other accounts.

  • c

    The tool for Reputation Managment Pros: It is easy to respond, we can create replies to common questions and reviews. Customize or not the user experience is pleasant Cons: Nothing that I can think of. I would like to be able to edit my messages in the inbox or dm section for typos. Overall: Its been excellent and is helping us be proactive vs reactive to brand management!

  • m

    Review Pros: Birdeye is great to use and super user friendly. It is beneficial to search with key words. Cons: As always, changes are somewhat difficult during the transition period but everything has been helpful so far. Overall: Birdeye has been helpful in assisting us with customers.

  • j

    BirdEye helps us stay on top of things... Pros: BirdEye has been a huge help in our business in managing reputation, harvesting reviews and getting the pertinent information in from of management on a location by location basis as well as corporately. From instant alerts to reporting, it has been very helpful. Cons: Not too many features are missing that I can think of. Overall: Experience has been great and support is super helpful. We will continue for a long time with BirdEye.

  • c

    Great Service! Pros: Manages our review requests and integrates with our Electronic Health Record system so there is nothing for me to do. It has a ton of other features that I don't take advantage of, but good to know they're there should i need them. Cons: I don't really have any negatives about this software. Overall: Birdeye has been great. I've recommended it to a number of colleagues. We purchased this program to help manage our reviews. This has allowed us to have more positive reviews by a large number in our business sector and also allows us to address negative comments before people leave a negative review.

  • c

    A really great platform! Pros: The ease of use with this platform is definitely what I like most about it. Cons: Sometimes old correspondence will pop up in our 'Open' inbox and I'm not sure why that is. It could be user error, but IDK. Overall: It's so easy to send review requests to our patients. We've also incorporated the voicemail/text feature into our office and we have so far loved it! The internal notes feature is really great as we have multiple people using the platform throughout the day and it allows us to keep track of who has done what.

  • v

    "Great experience" What do you like best about Birdeye? Creating a feedback loop and ticketing feature What do you dislike about Birdeye? Sometimes the customer list doesn't get sent out. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? SEO presence, reviews and rankings- just overall online presence while creating a better service for our customers

  • j

    "Smarter Not Harder" What do you like best about Birdeye? My favorite part of Birdeye is that it does the thinking for me. I don't have to keep track of who I sent review request you and who I haven't. He keeps it automated simple and smart What do you dislike about Birdeye? The only negative that I really have with BirdEye is it's integration with the EHR that we use. It works but it's not as sophisticated as it could be. Most of that I'm sure is due to our EHR and not Birdeye. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: If you are looking for an easy solution to gain reviews without the headache....go with BirdEye. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Our reviews have increased at a consistent uptick since implementing BirdEye. It makes the process uber simple for us and our patients. And with the importance of reviews these days we couldn't be happier.

  • r

    "We have been very pleased with how it has performed for us." What do you like best about Birdeye? Tracking of where the reviews come from , Ease of use What do you dislike about Birdeye? We do not have any dislikes, do not see downsides Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Watch a Demo. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Branding awareness

  • f

    Best for the Modern World Pros: I like that patients can email and text information. I like that they can instantly send over pictures. I like the fact that you can assign tasks and send internal notes. Cons: the voicemail system is a little wonky. Like sometimes voicemails pop up that have been closed in the past. I would like to see a reminder button on a voicemail. LIke you can set a reminder for a few days.

  • l

    Birdeye is awesome Pros: I love the fast communication! It's nice to be able to live chat with people, way quicker than texting. I also love that you can search back and see all the conversations that you've ever had with them and search key words/phrases that is very helpful Cons: Sometimes the communication is so fast, so with the fact that I answer phones all day, sometimes I have to make sure I'm only focusing on the conversation at hand so I can keep it going.

  • j

    Awesome tool for our website! Pros: Instant gratification for prospects, easy platform to read and use, quick emails to us Cons: Time limit to respond to people is too short- even 90 -120 seconds would be perfect! Overall: Awesome! Easy to use and a great tool for our locally owned business.

  • e

    Birdeye review Pros: Provides an easy way to communicate with patients. Makes access to dental care easier for patients but allowing them an easy way to schedule and communicate with the dental team. Cons: Have not found anything to dislike at the moment.

  • m

    Birdeye Review Pros: It's easy to use, straightforward and the internal note function is vital. Cons: There seems to have been a glitch that resent past claims that had been closed but the timestamps are all incorrect. Also, I'd like to filter ONLY the chats that are pertinent to my location instead of having to scroll through them all.

  • e

    Increases time available to take care of patients in the office. Pros: It's so easy to use and communicate with patients/office staff even though I'm remote. Cons: My job is to use this software to communicate with patients. I depend on notifications to alert me when someone sends a message or leaves a voicemail and the notifications don't always come through.. I have BirdEye on my phone as well and I can be sitting right by my phone and computer and it's hit or miss whether I get the notification or not, and YES I double check the browser notifications are not paused. It works MOST of the time. Just not ALL the time. Overall: I think Birdeye is great! It's simple and straightforward to use and I enjoy using it. Today though, I started at 6am and I got about 50 voicemails that were from last week all at once, not sure if it's a Birdeye issue or not, but that's not happened to me since using the program and we missed opportunities to schedule new patients since we didn't get the voicemails.

  • k

    "Birdeye is an awesome tool for SB" What do you like best about Birdeye? I like being able to see the reviews and comments instantly—also, the ability to reach out to customers and get their feedback. The ability to track tickets to make sure our managers are taking care of our customers is a great tool as well. Birdeye helps us to retain customers and make sure we are keeping them happy. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I really like the birdeye platform . The only thing I dislike is when I see bad reviews. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Birdeye is an excellent tool for any company to use for reputation management and customer retention. I would definitely recommend it for any growing company that wants to keep customers happy. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Birdeye helps us with customer retention and satisfaction. We can measure how happy our customers are with all of the services we offer and also with our employees. It helps us determine how or what to improve on within our company.

  • r

    "Excellent results!" What do you like best about Birdeye? Ease of use to automatically generate reviews. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Really nothing. Once it's set up, everything just runs in the background with very little daily intervention. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Generating reviews on Google, Facebook and Healthgrades without having to remember to prompt patients to do it and then hoping they will follow through. As a result we have more Google reviews than any other specialist practice in town by far and it has really helped our image online and generated many new patients.

  • v

    "Great Platform That Drives Our Business" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love the feedback it gets for our company and the reporting feature that allows us to watch the progress! What do you dislike about Birdeye? I enjoy the entire program and the ease of use! I don't have a dislike! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are solving customer complaints and holding our employees and management staff to a higher standard. The benefit is being able to assign a ticket and get a dissatisfied customer flipped to a happy customer by reaching out and talking to them.

  • v

    "Exceeded every expectation. Had more features available then we originally thought we needed." What do you like best about Birdeye? I like the review collection software the most. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Its a bit hard to understand Max texting Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Make sure you know what you want out of the application. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Online connection with customers. Birdeye has made it easyer to stay connected at anypoint in the day to help our clients.

  • v

    "Works as exactly as it states. Easy to use." What do you like best about Birdeye? the FTP setup makes sending files easy over for processing What do you dislike about Birdeye? Some documentation on the website is old or has mistakes when initially setting up the FTP regarding headers. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Start earlier, then waiting for later. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are getting a lot of reviews for the company.

  • t

    "Always great help from Birdeye!" What do you like best about Birdeye? They roll all reviews up from Google and other platforms, and if I ever have an issue, it is resolved extremely fast! What do you dislike about Birdeye? Not much at all. Sometimes all reviews don't come through. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Definiteley use Birdeye!! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are solving staffing problems by the reviews and the trends that we see in certain places.