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  • g

    "Dealership Review Control" What do you like best about Birdeye? Access to reports, ability to chart information, and ease of use What do you dislike about Birdeye? As an organization our data is broken into conferences and locations. I don't have the ability to save a custom conference and save it. Our management teams change often year over year. I wish I could save a group of lo actions in a search EI:"Tim's Stores" Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Quick and effect management of reviews at a location level. We utilize it to help drive results at a conference and local level What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are using it to collect and monitor reviews created by our customers online. It compiles the data and allows us to quickly review it.

  • f

    If you are a business owner . I highly recommend using this service to track and get honest reviews from your past and present customers . We went from having 4 reviews on Google that we over a year old to having 14 reviews within two weeks of using birdeye .

  • j

    Customer Support is fabulous! I appreciated the service that Deepika Jaiswal from customer support provided myself and my team. She was courteous, professional, and she is definitely skilled at solving problems. She is a great asset to the BirdEye team and makes it easy to want to be a BirdEye fan. Thank you.

  • m

    Had a great experience

  • j

  • l

  • k

    "5-Star Reviews are Pouring In!" What do you like best about Birdeye? We are so pleased with the ease of using BirdEye to solicit reviews from our customers. We always knew our customers were happy, but we didn't realize HOW HAPPY! They love us! And now everyone else can know too! What do you dislike about Birdeye? I manually enter each review request instead of using the integration where they could be automatically sent, so this adds a bit of time to my invoicing process. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are gaining new customers who now ask for techs by name because they've seen their great reviews!

  • v

    "BirdEye is quick and efficient." What do you like best about Birdeye? The part that I like the most is the ability to reply to and resolve the negative reviews that we receive. Once I am notified about any sort of issue or complaint, I am confident that I will be able to work it out with the reviewer and we are able to get our rating right back up. BirdEye has provided a medium where I am able to confidently approach reviewers at any time. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Honestly, as time has gone by, I haven't really found any issues with BirdEye's service. I think it's exactly what we need and it offers services precisely when we need them. I couldn't be happier with BirdEye. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? One big impact and benefit to BirdEye is the feature that allows us to reach out to past clients and request reviews from them. It makes getting more reviews just that much easier. Also, BirdEye has helped us evaluate our social presence online and lets us know in which areas it would be best to focus our efforts. Thanks, BirdEye!

  • s

    It is difficult to share very much at this time. What we have done so far is great. Our computer skills are small, so it is difficult to work this better. We have had great support and are looking forward to helping us as our knowledge grows with your company. Hopefully that will be forthcoming in the next few months. Thank you for caring...

  • t

    "Improved insight with BirdEye" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love the reports. We can see the progress we are making or where we need to step up our game. We can also see who each person is doing with reviews. I like being able to see how we are doing within the practice. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Currently, I am a fan of BirdEye. I don't see where there is a deficiency yet. However if and when I do I will be sure to share that with you. I know that there can always be updates or improvements. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: We haven't been using BirdEye long enough for us to have any recommendations. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Our practice can see where we are making a difference with exposing our patients and potential patients to our practice. We ask every patient to participate in a review of the assistant and the service. This helps to improve our customer service and the patient experience. As we wouldn't ever want a patient to give us a poor review. We also wouldn't want to pass on asking a patient for a review because we didn't give them stellar service. That is how we are solving and realizing the benefits of BirdEye.

  • v

    "BirdEye is a great tool to manage reviews" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love the results that it creates, the information that we receive, and the support from our Project Manager. What do you dislike about Birdeye? That we can't pixel the text/chat feature on our website. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We've raised our Google review rating from a 3.5 to a 4.7 in four months. We're also learning more about our business from patient feedback and able to respond to our patients from our website form, website text/chat feature, and FB messenger in a single platform. This allows us to implement improvements and actively engage with our patients, which are things we strive to do because our patients are our priority.

  • v

    "Great system!" What do you like best about Birdeye? I like how everything is in one place! It's nice to be notified about new reviews, to be able to see the reviews in the system, and to reply without having to go to the website that the review is on. We can separate reviews by location since we have 10+ offices. What do you dislike about Birdeye? It was a little confusing in the beginning. There were a few spots that didn't feel entirely user friendly. Thankfully, the support staff was a huge help by walking us through the system. They helped us whenever we had a question. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: It's a great, user friendly system that has gotten our company many good reviews. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We have gotten many more reviews with this system versus previous systems we have used. Clients have been much quicker to open the review requests and have left longer, more positive reviews.

  • j

    "Perfect for the Business" What do you like best about Birdeye? Fast honest feedback from the customers on a daily basis. Our online presence now is one that we can be proud of rather than the reputation we had before. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Honestly the only thing that I don't like is the number of questions MY company has required we ask.... 26 is a bit insane. The addition of Yelp to the collection of listings would be very nice since it is is the only area we are aware of that we still struggle since switching to BirdEye. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Don't hesitate, just go with it. It is very unlikely you will not be thrilled with the results. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Our online reputation has improved substantially. I also thing we are getting much better feedback than we ever have and that feedback is shared directly with our managers that are able to respond to it in a timely manner.

  • b

    "Great team and awesome product!" What do you like best about Birdeye? Birdeye staff is always willing to help and answer any questions or concerns. What do you dislike about Birdeye? The system requires a bit more clicking around than I would like to get to the pages I need to create reviews. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: It is a great system to use to keep track of reviews and to easily reply to clients right from the site. Birdeye takes the review system and puts everything in one spot so you don't have to worry about going five different places to send out, view and reply to reviews. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We can get reviews for individual offices instead of the company as a whole.

  • m

    "Simplicity!" What do you like best about Birdeye? The way it adds all the platform and gives customer the option to leave a review in the platform they use the most. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I dislike the price, but it’s affordable. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: It really helps with the company online reputation that is necessary now with technology taking over What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? It’s helping my business to be notice and get a good reputation in the internet. Getting more reviews than usual.

  • c

    "Effective Review Management Platform" What do you like best about Birdeye? My favorite features of BirdEye include the dashboard organization, custom and automated review response templates, the automated review invites (via SMS & email), and the online listing tool that allows business information to be accurate across all online listings. The account and implementation team has also been extremely helpful with implementation of the tool and quarterly follow-ups. They are also always looking for improvements to the tool and notifying us of these improvements and how we can utilize them. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I'd like the ability to check off reviews I have answered/completed - for example, I'd like to work through my dashboard and check off the reviews as I have responded to them (similar to Sprout's dashboard -a social media management tool). Right now I have to organize the reviews by tag - its just a few extra steps to organize them by what I've responded to or not instead of a simple checkmark. I'd also like a "leaderboard" of which of our General Managers have responded to the most reviews + turnaround time. We had a small hiccup in integrating the platform with OpenTable, but that was only because OpenTable was moving to a new Guest Center, and the implementation team was able to successfully integrate OpenTable with our BirdEye account in a month or less. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We have increased the ability to respond to our reviews across multiple platforms in an organized, timely manner. We have also increased our review rating and quantity with the automated review response tool that is connected to OpenTable and asks our guests how their experience was shortly after their dining experience. I love the way these review requests are delivered via SMS and Email with our logo and colors.

  • v

    "Great product! I am easily to see our reviews, and respond in a timely manner." What do you like best about Birdeye? I love the ability to see all my reviews in one location versus having to go to each site individually. The scoring for surveys, reviews, etc. is very helpful to us in determining our market strategies. The product is very versatile, and we use it daily. What do you dislike about Birdeye? My only con would be that the reviews on and YELP are slow to come in. It typically takes a day or two after the review is posted. When the review comes in, it is slated into the date it was written so it is easy to overlook these and not get a timely reply out. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? At the moment, we are not working on any specific problems. We are beginning to utilize sending out surveys, and targeting responses toward those. The benefit of reviews in one spot is huge for our team, and one of the main purchase points for the system.

  • j

    "BirdEye manages our listings, review campaigns and more!" What do you like best about Birdeye? Simple and intuitive. Amazing support staff!! What do you dislike about Birdeye? Currently I there isn't an aspect of BirdEye that disappoints me. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Great price, support, and product. I spent weeks going through demos with other programs, such a waste of time, should have trusted more reviews about BirdEye! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Managing reviews for multiple locations on multiple social media/review platforms was not time efficient and now all the reviews are at my fingertips.

  • v

    "A great way to manage reviews in one medium" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love that everything is in one place. I don't need to check Yelp, Google and Facebook all separate. Plus I can send out my own surveys to clients and get a more accurate I idea of where our image is at without having to check multiple platforms. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I really haven't found anything I don't like currently. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Totally worth the price. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? I love that I cam make template responses that I can then edit to make them more personalized to the specific situations. It's great to have all the tools I need to evaluate how guests see our company. I am excited that I can send text review requests and truly value that when finished with my surveys that I have encourage guests to review on one the the social media platforms so that we can improve our overall score.

  • k

    BirdEye has greatly improved the ease with which we gather reviews from our clients! It's easy to set up and has a LOT of reporting features.

  • t

    "Great for reviews and very easy to use" What do you like best about Birdeye? I like that this is a very easy system to use and that it can be linked to as many social media sites as you choose. It also immediately informs me when we have a review so that I can reply promptly. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I cannot think of anything that I don't like. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? I am getting a lot more reviews on Google and facebook.

  • r

  • m

    This company is very proactive, and delivers as promised. Sunaina, from the implementation team was wonderful, she explained the entire process as well as worked with my webmaster to optimize my system. I highly recommend BirdEye.

  • r

  • r

    "Birdeye is the best!!!" What do you like best about Birdeye? Birdeye's ease of use is great. Their webiste is wonderful to navigate ands easy to send review invites. It is super easy on the customers end to set up and leave a review. We really appriciate the job Birdeye does!!! The Campaigns are great as well. All in all it is a marvelous website. thank you so much!!! What do you dislike about Birdeye? I have not found anything that I dislike as of yet. We do wish however we would be able to know the reviewers email or something so we could contact the person reviewed so we could resolve the issue quicker. A lot of the customers are 3rd party buyers that purchases thru a parts store. A lot of times it is difficult to find the order that is associated with the review. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are able to help customers quicker and easier with Birdeye. Also the good reviews help us build a bigger clientele.