Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7616 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Tech support rocks- works like it supposed. Turn in ticket-get ticket fixed. They do it well!
- n
Awesome app. Would recommend it to anyone tracking their business
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team birdeye support rocks
- d
Rep was friendly and helpful.
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Customer Support was great! I was just frustrated that our google sheet was disconnected from Birdeye so clients were not getting text messages.
- s
Babbette was very patient with me and took time to address every question and explain the technology so that I understood exactly how it worked and how it would benefit me. Thanks Babette!
- e
five star cleaning ladies Team number 16
- l
I’m not very good at these things, so I was a bit stressed. But Babette was very helpful.
- b
Thank you for the very quick response to the issue with using Internet Explorer 11. Thank you for fixing the issue! We have a client that is still using that old browser.
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Fast, professional, very helpful. Thanks for your assistance.
- v
Reviews Pros: This helps you filter out bad reviews from clients while posting the good reviews on many sites that your clients have access to. Cons: The integration took a lot of time with our CRM and their company so I wish that process was streamlined more.
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Our Implementation Advisor was fantastic! He made the process painless, while providing us with all of the information we needed, and walking us through ALL of the steps of the process.
- k
Very helpful and solved the issue very quickly!
- j
The representative I spoke with was fantastic! Such a sweetheart that was ecstatic to answer any and all of my questions! Very helpful and refreshing
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I called support and they listened to my request and completed it with-in 24 hours. Great experience!
- b
Did really good. Support has really improved over the past few months. Quick and accurate response to help resolve the issue and answer questions.
- v
This guy was awesome!
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I sent an email to support@birdeye.com and I got a phone call. That was quick, and a phone call is my preferred way to work on prickly issues. All was resolved.
- b
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Best Support Ever! I will definitely be using the support line more often.
- b
She was efficient, professional, friendly, and effective. Really great! If Hafsa is a representation of the caliber of individuals we will be working with at your organization, we could not be happier!
- w
Loved the representative. She was so king and Knowledgeable.
- t
Really quick and got problem fixed. Thank you
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Great service
- j
This representative was extremely helpful, patient and whatever you're paying him, it needs to be doubled. Thanks for the help last week!