Our reviews
We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.
7588 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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We signed up in November 2018 and have been very pleased so far.
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Increased our Google 5 Star reviews immensely
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Great way to easily get reviews from customers
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It seems to be an excellent process for customers to see how good we are doing & the experience of past customers with our operation! Thank you
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Very happy with the results.
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Very efficient and excellent
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all good-referred a colleague this am
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Great service. Most other services don't do anything with the reviews. Your service has allowed me to be one of most highly rated dentists in Google in California!! Also helps us rectify negative reviews!!
- a
Great product and great customer service
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Immediate feedback on social media is critical to our business.
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My rep was very helpful.
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Terrific service. I just wish there was a way to get an exclusive for a soecific area for Additional fee. It does it make less likely to recommend Birdeye to people geographically close to me
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My online reputation has improved tremendously since I began using your company. Most of my customers say they chose us because of the reviews we have, which have mostly been generated through BirdEye
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Very effective resource
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It been very simple. Love the daily report on our pat. Responses.
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Great program easy to use
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Makes it easy for customers to give us feed back, good and not so much.
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Very great service
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We have an account with Serenity Pediatrics and I find it very helpful. In fact, I recommended my daughter's orthodontist to purchase a plan for Lash and Rubin Orthodontics.
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Makes it easy for my team to ask for reviews! Super convenient
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Very easy for our customers to give us a review on site
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