Our reviews
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7599 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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The rep showed me what to do
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He was very polite and very educated on his job.
- h
Always get a quick response and resolution to any issue.
- k
I chatted Birdeye this morning over an Integration issue with FB. The chat was answered instantly and within a few minutes they had walked me thru a resolution. Thank you! A+
- d
Super quick response that fixed my issue.
- a
Thank you for your help with our online reputation service
- d
just thought it was not explained enough in original email and would have eliminated any follow up or questions if worded different in email about opting out of survey responses.
- s
Birdeye kept reaching out to help me solve my problem. Thank you so much!!
- k
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I appreciated that I was called back after I left a message.
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I actually reached a live person!!
- a
Ajay and Prajval were wonderful at being diligent in contacting me while I was having cellular technical issues. Thank you both.
- j
great tech support--Avinash and Divya are rock stars
- l
Avtar responded to me very quickly and let me know my issue had been resolved.
- a
- a
Divya is outstanding!
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Quick precise response
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Thank you
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Great service for our company.
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The Birdeye Team are always so quick to help me and they really come to conclusions to resolve my issues in a timely manner. basically YOU ROCK!
- k
Nidhi Verma was very patient and understanding and was able to help me right away. Thanks Nidhi. Now give this girl a raise please!
- k
Very respectful and responded in a timely fashion!
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Thank you so much for responding so quickly and helping me out! :)
- j
Support never fails. Even when the documentation fell short, your service representative did not. He was able to add clarity to a new process.
- k
Abdul was extremely communicative and worked hard to get this issue resolved. Great customer service!