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We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.


7452 reviews

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577 reviews
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  • e

    "This is a great system for us and our buyers!" What do you like best about Birdeye? It’s very user friendly and is great with updates. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I wish that all the reviews were in the same spot, and not divided into different tabs. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: BirdEye is a great service and has really helped us connect with our customers! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Getting reviews for specific branches of our company, which is a big help.

  • v

    "Love this!!" What do you like best about Birdeye? This website has made our business so easy to get more and better reviews! Recommend this to anyone trying to get their name/business out there and started! What do you dislike about Birdeye? I dislike that we never used this before today! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? The only problem was not having enough reviews from patients but that's not a problem anymore!

  • s

    Great Customer service team

  • m

    "Going above and beyond" What do you like best about Birdeye? How easy it is to reach someone to have questions answered and willingness to accept others ideas What do you dislike about Birdeye? No dislikes at this time and hopefully will continue into the future Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: It's WONDERFUL!!! What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We were g=having issues reaching the public but this has been resolved with Birdeye

  • v

    "Quick and communicative." What do you like best about Birdeye? Constant Communication with the Birdeye team. When there were issues we worked together and were quickly and efficiently able to resolve them. We had a few custom requests that they were happy to accomodate. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Not a lot. A few kinks at the start, but that's nitpicking. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Speak to Vandana as she is quick and agile in getting to the root of an issue What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? How seamless our patient survey experience has been. They had novel processing reports that previous vendors did not have which helped with our troubleshooting steps and opportunities. They made sure to keep us updated on any changes to system or software that they had to make on their end so that we were not surprised if (on the rare occasion) a file was not being picked up.

  • h

    Birdeye Has been a huge help to increasing our reviews!! Pros: It has helped us scale our efforts to increase our reviews for Kicksite and has decreased the amount of time spent following up with our clients requesting reviews. Cons: The functionality is a bit limited when it comes to the customization of the email we send out. We would like to make it a little bit more branded but other than that it's great! Overall: We have really enjoyed working with Birdeye, they have been a great asset to our business!

  • b

    I heard Dr. Len Tau speak at Yankee 2020. Tau's strategy for creating a web presence and developing credibility via office reviews made sense for our office. Already encouraging word of mouth referrals within our community, we felt the BirdEye suited our desire for outreach to a growing patient population using mobile technology. The BirdEye set up was quick with the help of their software specialists. The functionality of this software program provides simple and easy opportunity for patient feedback by email and text. With our BirdEye campaign operating only a few weeks, we have been surprised by number wonderful Google and FB reviews posted. The SEO affect has been astounding. Our "rank" is quickly climbing. I am very pleased with the care BirdEye representatives have taken to insure functionality of their product and its use in our hands.

  • v

    "I love it! So easy to manage and respond to reviews." What do you like best about Birdeye? How easy it is to see and respond to reviews. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I can't think of anything I would change or don't like. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: This is great, makes everything so easy to reply to or even talk about behind the scenes with other team members in the company. Everything is in one spot and easy to use! I love that you can get feedback from customers that maybe would not have given it before. Weather it's good or bad, there is not way to improve your business without feedback. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? I am able to get feedback from people that otherwise might have not given feedback.

  • j

    Very prompt, persistent and customer service orientated.

  • j

    "Birdeye Gets it!" What do you like best about Birdeye? We really like the interface that we work with daily. I love the morning alerts that give me a snapshot of the review activity from many platforms for the prior day, so we can take action on the reviews that have arrived. We can respond in a timely manner and the reporting is very easy to use. I also like that the individual users and monitor their own locations as easily as we monitor the entire scope of all of our practices. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I dislike that we are not able to reply directly on Birdeye for our Yelp reviews. I wish there was a interface to allow us to respond more easily to the reviews from Yelp. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Birdeye provides our team with quick insights into how we are doing with our reputation online. The daily alerts and the easy to use platform allow us to get great reporting and respond to our customers needs based on their feedback they have provided for us. the reporting allows us to share insights to our team and give them access to key data that helps them understand where they can focus their attention on the business to help improve their review scores as a whole. Now, we are beginning to utilize the review generation services and this will allow us to streamline our vendor relationships and take better advantage of the Birdeye platform to enhance our online presence.

  • g

  • r

    "First Colony Mortgage Review" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love how easy it is for our customers to leave a review once we send a request. That was the biggest thing for me in switching to this system. The technician we worked with, Tanmay was so awesome, and great to answer questions quickly and fix anything that needed it. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I think that the system works well. There were some things that we've had to repair, or redo the links for, but seemed to be easy fixes. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: I would hands down recommend BirdEye for customer online reputation management, particularly increasing the amount of reviews for your business. We have multiple locations, and it's been really easy to manage all from one dashboard. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We had a goal for the last year to increase Google and other ratings to our individual branches. Utilization of BirdEye has helped with this, and we're receiving more customer ratings on a weekly basis than we've ever had before.

  • d

  • i

    "Excellent Tool for Reputation Management" What do you like best about Birdeye? The best thing about BirdEye is that I can easily see an overview of all major review sites and my recent reviews in one convenient, easy-to-read dashboard. What do you dislike about Birdeye? If I have to nitpick, there are some very minor UI/UX issues, but they do not hinder the overall experience and once you know where to find all of the right information, it's an invaluable tool. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? I used to spend lots of time pulling up every review site I could think of in different tabs, averaging all of the responses and scores. Now I can see how our customers view us on one page. Another thing that has saved me lots of headache is that when soliciting an online review (quick and painless with BirdEye!) it gives the customer an option to contact us directly through the platform as opposed to leaving a negative review. This makes it more likely that someone who wants my attention gets it quickly, and it doesn't harm our reputation through a 1 star review.

  • d

    "An All-In-One Review service that actually works!" What do you like best about Birdeye? BirdEye is very user friendly. The simple interface makes it possible for just about anyone to be able to use and understand. Customer service is friendly and helpful as well! What do you dislike about Birdeye? In the future, it would be helpful to have more shortcuts to options relating to customer reviews, all in one place rather than having to go to multiple pages. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? Keeping reviews organized by stars, date, etc. has been the number one problem being solved. We enjoy being able to review, reply, and see the analytics of our business in one platform.

  • v

    "Birdeye is great for online reviews!" What do you like best about Birdeye? Access to reviews and the ease of being able to reply to those reviews. What do you dislike about Birdeye? So far we have not found anything that we dislike. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We have definitely been able to increase the positive reviews that we get which only helps with our business.

  • f

    "Birdeye has given me good insight on our customer experience and product feedback." What do you like best about Birdeye? I like that Birdeye gives you feedback based on sentiment so that you can easily identify the good reviews from the bad reviews and that you can aggregate reviews from several other platforms into Birdeye. Being able to separate the negative reviews from the bad reviews is very helpful because it allows us to leverage the good reviews across our website, on gated landing pages, as testimonials on microsites and our actual website etc. The negative reviews are helpful because we can leverage this feedback to improve our product and also improve internal issues/teams such as customer service. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I dislike that some of the reviews based on sentiment might not actually be positive or negative reviews which can be misleading when trying to separate reviews based on negative or positive sentiment. Some of the reviews might be classified as "negative" if they have key words such as "bad" or "slow" when in reality the customer is making a comparison of our product with a competitors product. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: I suggest working with BirdEye's very helpful customer success managers as they are very insightful and can help you capitalize on all the features Birdeye has to offer as you can leverage these features in a multitude of ways such as using their reviews in your site. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are solving a lot of internal customer service and implementation problems which we would not have learned unless we received this feedback from our customers. We have also realized a variety of problems in our product which are common across many of our customers, allowing us to identify the main issues, take the feedback to product, and allow them to fix the issues so that we can improve our product and ultimately garner better reviews/feedback.

  • c

    "Great product - very user friendly! Huge Time Saver!!!!!" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love how simple this product makes it to manage online reviews. As someone who is in charge of over 15 properties, before Birdeye managing all the reviews was a nightmare. Constantly forgetting passwords and always monitoring the reviews sites was a daunting tasks. Birdeye has streamlined this process and saved me and my staff so much time! We used to internally track each and every review and send out reports to staff each week to show how many unanswered reviews they were each week. Yes, count them all by hand!! Ahhh! I had to tally this information up for 15+ plus properties... EACH WEEK. This was my least favorite task of the week and felt like I was wasting my time. But we understand the importance of online reputation and take the monitoring of all online reviews very serious. We love all of the reporting features and use these reports weekly to monitor every property. We also, love the survey feature. We've created over 5 custom surveys that are all triggered within our CRM program that Birdeye has integrated with. We used to pay a lot to have these surveys sent out and we were able to cut cost back significantly by switching over the Birdeye. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Have had issues with reports pulling. Support has been great, but it's been a few weeks with no solution provide as of yet. In addition, we've had some issues connecting a second database we have in place for a few of our properties. Creating a connection in our server has also been a challenge. Our rep has been very helpful, however our technical support is a little difficult to get a hold of and it's been taken longer than I'd like/ can afford to get this issue resolved. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Stop questioning, and do it already! Birdeye has mastered this market and truly has created one of the most user friendly/ interactive software programs for online reputation management. When shopping for software that can be used by people of all capacities, it's important to go with one that fits the bill for all users. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? 1. Saves time - allows us to log in to 1 place to review and monitor each site 2. User management is so much better with a one stop shop. before, in order for managers to respond, they needed accounts on each site. That was extremely time consuming. And with high turn over rates at some properties, this was frustrating to then have to go and delete and start over. 3. Cuts training time - used to have to train and show how to navigate multiple platforms. With Birdeye, we no longer have to do this. Birdeye is proven to be very user friendly and easy to train. 4. We use our reports data on a much greater lever, we import these results to use as benchmarking at each property. For both property managers and our maintenance staff. We use all of this data to determine areas in which properties are thriving and need improvement. The

  • b

    "Birdeye is awesome" What do you like best about Birdeye? Birdeye is simple to use and easy to reply to customer reviews with. What do you dislike about Birdeye? It is a bit annoying to maneuver to find things like mobile reviews. They are not in the same place as the main reviews. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: It is great if you want to keep up with your community of clients. Give it time and work with your birdeye team to create a successful use of your account. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are able to see customer feedback and thank those people that like our organization and work with those that might need something fixed.

  • v

    "Great Product" What do you like best about Birdeye? Very easy to use. Customers seem to like using it to give feedback. All of our people including those who are not very tech savvy are able to use this product with little challenges. Each of our employees have tablets that they can send the surveys from while on the job site. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Sometimes our installers forget to use it and customers do not want to be bothered with another email or message Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: If you are looking for a product with great features that will allow you to obtain real time customer feedback for a very competitive price, Bird Eye is the best product that our company found on the market. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We have realized that instant feedback is helpful in getting real time feedback on how we are doing with customers.

  • v

    "Great experience so far!" What do you like best about Birdeye? I really enjoy using Birdeye for the ability to see all the reviews and ratings we have from multiple platforms in one place. These reviews are also available for download and I can run analysis as well as track how we are doing by each platform. The ability to respond to reviews is extremely helpful as well, we can assign people internally to follow up with certain reviews we receive and when the report is exported we are able to see the business response as well as the business response date. The CSMs that we are currently working with are super responsive and a great help when we need it! I can also count on them to answer any unknown questions I have. What do you dislike about Birdeye? Sometimes we have issues with reviews not flowing correctly, which hinders our ability to see the whole picture of what customers are saying. This is something that we have to flag to our CSM, so if you are not aware of what is missing you could be missing out on key data. The sentiment features insights tool is really neat, however it is unfortunate that you are not able to download the reviews that are associated to the keywords. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: Birdeye is a great tool if you are managing your company's online reputation since it can connect multiple platforms. What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? We are able to see a full picture of what our customers are saying about us on all platforms versus having to get a license for each individual platform and exporting the data that way. I am able to run a monthly report of the reviews to showcase what we are doing well and what we need to do better and share that out internally. You can also see how you rank up to competitors which is an awesome feature!

  • a

    Customer service so far has been great and the product seems to be working well. We are only a week into the program at the time of this review but so far it’s been a great product!

  • d

    Bird Eye is incredible. Has been an absolute game changer for my business. Would highly recommend to any business owner looking to improve their online presence!

  • v

    "Easiest way to manage reviews!" What do you like best about Birdeye? I love the ease of use of BirdEye! Also, the integration with social media is so helpful to share our customer's experience! I also like that it will update directories. What do you dislike about Birdeye? I want to enter customers' information at the beginning of a job and once completed send a review link. Recommendations to others considering Birdeye: highly recommend birdeye to anyone looking to get reviews What problems is Birdeye solving and how is that benefiting you? I was typing out review requests and inserting the links into the email. I was getting no response. Since using Birdeye, our reviews have increased by 100%. It looks more professional and easy to leave a review.

  • m

    Excellent way to bump up reviews. The program is very easy to use, and their team is super friendly and knowledgeable.