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  • h

  • d

    Birdeye is amaz8ng!! They are ao helpful and really make it easy!!

  • d

    Fantastic service every time

  • m

    The customer service was amazing and I can't wait to start using this!

  • a

    Haven't had the program long, but so far it's been great and the support has been amazing.

  • c

    We LOVE BirdEye! We have had this for 1 year and we couldn't be more pleased. This system defiantly works!

  • g

    What a great company and service! Recommend this to every small business.

  • d

    Next level. This is a great tool.

  • b

    Great price for service provided. Great platform for managing reviews and reputation. Great Onboarding process but I will say I thought the Onboarding presentation was a little too long as I could have done a lot of what they showed me by myself. Overall great service!

  • a

    Very helpful software to help me manage my business reputation.

  • l

    Babette was very pleasant, patient and easy to work with. Happy with our BirdEye results so far!!

  • m

  • a

  • a

  • r

    Great team

  • m

    BirdEye is a MUST if you want to boost reviews/online presence! Use Cases and Deployment Scope - We use BirdEye for reviews from our patients on Google and Facebook. We were having issues finding a simple way for our patients to leave a review and this has completely solved that problem! The process is made so easy for them which has gained us so many reviews! Pros - Get LOTS of reviews. Since we started around 2 months ago our Google and Facebook reviews have sky-rocketed. -Checks our listings. Before BirdEye it was challenge to keep up with all of our listings so they have taken that over for me. -Makes the initial set up process so simple and not time consuming at all. Cons - I truly don't have any complaints about BirdEye. So far they have been nothing but great to work with and so easy to use. Likelihood to Recommend - If you are looking for great review/online management, BirdEye is perfect for your business. Users and Roles - Online reputation Return on Investment - Since starting with BirdEye we have definitely noticed an increase in new patients coming from Google. -We have also had a lot more interaction on Facebook. Alternatives Considered - We were using which got us lots of reviews on Healthgrades which was ok, but they didn't transfer over to Google or anywhere else. Most people will read reviews on Google or social media and BirdEye has made it easy for the patient where as didn't so we weren't getting hardly any.

  • n

    I've been working with Kris Endreson, Account Executive at BirdEye to set up our property management company with their review management services. She's been such a GEM and so wonderful to do business with during this process. From the first moment of contact, not only has she been extremely helpful and informative, but so genuinely personable and patient. BirdEye and its clients are lucky to have Kris on their side! Such a pleasure!

  • j

  • m

    I am a marketing director for a dentist office and we have had great results with BirdEye! Our Google and Facebook reviews have sky rocketed since we started a month ago!

  • p

  • l

    Best Reputation Management product ever! Do not hesitate to try Birdeye! Use Cases and Deployment Scope - We use Birdeye for our Reputation Management online. We have tried several other companies in the past and were never satisfied with the results and therefore canceled the service. Within one month of using Birdeye, we have the results we have been looking for! We have received more patient feedback in one month with BirdEye that we have in the past 10 years total. We are hooked! Pros - Ease of use. -It runs seamlessly and effectively. -Not having to solicit (harassing) patients while in the office for their feedback online. Cons - I have not found anything about Birdeye that is difficult or that we are unhappy about. We LOVE it! Likelihood to Recommend - If you are looking for a better online presence with positive customer reviews, this is your product! BirdEye makes it so easy and your customers can choose to leave feedback at their convenience with a gentle reminder a day or so later. No more asking people face to face to please take the time to give you a review. Your staff is happy and your customers are happier by not being put on the spot. Users and Roles - Any business can benefit from using Birdeye Return on Investment - More positive reviews. -Our google rating went to a 5 in the first 2 weeks! -It has brought in so many new patients due to so many wonderful reviews. Alternatives Considered - There is no comparison to Birdeye!! We have used 2 other reputation management companies in the past. We always had to ask every patient that came in to please take time to go online and give us a review. That was always met with a "look" from the patient and the staff felt uncomfortable asking. With BirdEye we don't have to do that any longer! They do the work for you, seamlessly and effectively, therefore, making our staff and patients happier. Other Software Used - Curve Hero Premium Support - No Support Rating - Every question was answered quickly Bug Resolution - Yes - In the very beginning we encountered a bug with our software. Once the issue was identified, it was resolved quickly. Exceptional Examples of Birdeye Support - When we had the issue with the integration of our software BirdEye went over and above to get it resolved quickly. Easy Tasks - All of them, nothing is difficult Difficult Tasks - None Usability - The product is outstanding

  • r

    Finally, an easy, no-hassle way to deal with reviews Use Cases and Deployment Scope - We are an HVAC company and here in Florida, there is a great deal of competition which means reviews are extremely important. Because it's difficult to get field service technicians to ask for reviews consistently, the Birdeye approach is very important. The busier these guys are, the less likely they are to remember to ask for a review, so having Birdeye handle it makes it much easier on the techs while getting us what we need. In addition, having to remember passwords and dealing with how many different websites equals difficulty monitoring reviews. If a review is less than 5 stars, I want to be able to address it right away. Birdeye brings all of it together in one convenient location and even alerts me to new reviews. We've only just recently signed up with Birdeye but we already see a difference. Pros - Asking for reviews: It's done automatically each day and they will ask the customer twice more, waiting 2 days between requests. The repeat increases the likely-hood that the customer will do the review but they don't hound the customer. -Navigating the software: this software is really easy to learn and they've provided a knowledge base as well as customer contact if you need more help. It's clean, clear and easy to navigate. It brings all your reviews into one easy to locate. -Customization: Besides integrating with our field management software to request reviews, a link can be placed on the company website and can be completely customized with company colors so it fits the look of the website. -Being able to go to one website to see and answer all of our reviews really take the hassle out of handling reviews! Cons - Perhaps because we are new with Birdeye, I don't have any issues with their software. Everything works as it should. Likelihood to Recommend - I don't know where they would be less appropriate; easy to use the software, one location for all of our reviews, including social media, and they ask for the reviews, what could be better! Users and Roles - All of the field service and installation technicians, sales and office staff. Return on Investment - In this industry, positive reviews bring in new customers, it's just that simple. BirdEye goes out and requests the reviews and gathers them for us. This gets us more reviews and saves us time which saves us money. Alternatives Considered - We did look at another, I can't remember the name off-hand but it just couldn't compare to what BirdEye is offering. Other Software Used - ServiceTitan, QuickBooks Pro

  • n

    Great Follow up and attention to detail

  • k

    Birdeye software is going to take my company to the next level.

  • m

    Great experience, representative was professional, knowledgeable and patient