Our reviews
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7606 reviews75 reviews have no rating
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Thanks so much!
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Sumeet went WAY above and beyond to help me out, even sharing his own email address for testing. What a champ!
- s
Birdeye is consistently, polite, professional and responsive. That is why I am with Birdeye.
- a
Ankur didn't just resolve the issue but also provided me tips on how to do it next time.
- b
Quick and easy answers to my questions! A pleasure to work with.
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fast and efficient
- k
Very responsive and helpful, even thought I wasn’t able to answer my phone! Everything was fixed and I was notified via email, appreciate all the help have a nice holiday!
- a
Excellent texting tool for law firms Use Cases and Deployment Scope - I use Birdeye to text clients almost daily as I am not comfortable giving out my personal number for this purpose. The firm also uses it to solicit google reviews. It's proven to be very successful. Pros - Texting clients -Alerting users to new texts -Google review solicitation Cons - Advising the end user of the phone number the texts to client are coming from Likelihood to Recommend - I use it for day-to-day communication with clients who do not utilize email or telephones very frequently. It is excellent for soliciting urgent responses. Most Important Features - Text -Google review solicitation Return on Investment - Streamlined communication -Fast texting -Quick notifications
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Thankful for Avinash this holiday season and his ability to quickly resolve our client issues!
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always a great service - Praveen Reddy
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I’ve tried the rest and Believe Me, Birdeye is by far… the Best!!!
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quick and simple resolution to an issue that I could not otherwise solve on my own.
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your customer service is admirable. rep was extremely polite.
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Very prompt in resolving the issue
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Great experience, Sunny was wonderful to work with.
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Customer service was very helpful and was able to resolve my issue quickly.
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Praveen was extremely helpful
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Very interested in helping me and he did!
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Sumeet continues to be very helpful!
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Avinash is great. Always on point!
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Praveen was very helpful and resolved the issue.
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faster response than before
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Sumeet continues to be very helpful in addressing issues. The timeliness is out of his hands, as it's reflective of Google and their lack of speed in addressing our concerns.
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Thorough and pleasant