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  • c

  • d

    Birdeye and its associates have been a pleasure to work with. Wedding Chapel by the Sea has benefited greatly with our name being more visible on the web and we are receiving many more reviews of our business.

  • a

    Birdeye has extremely professional and pleasant customer service reps. No wait time either!

  • w

    If your interested in dealing with Birdeye then ask for Lucas in sales. He is incredibly knowledgeable and goes above and beyond to help you fix any issues that were missed by the on-boarding process. A real credit to his company. Thanks again Lucas for the continued support.

  • r

    A fantastic product that enables us to create a process internally when asking for a review. Simple to use and an excellent team of professionals always available for support. Thanks!

  • j

    Very positive and worth the investment Pros: Bird Eye has provided an easy to use platform that helps my company request and generate more reviews and customer feedback. The number of reviews added to our profile went up 100% within the first 6 months of using the service. It has been well worth the investment and we will continue with the service for the foreseable future.

  • m

    Excellent software Pros: Our office has been using BirdEye for about a year and it has helped us get more positive reviews. We don't like to have to ask clients to do this and understand how important this is these days so BirdEye takes the stress out of that. Cons: It can be a little confusing setting up the client information and checking in to see if someone has written the review, but BirdEye notifies you as soon as the review is posted.

  • j

    Awesome product that has benefitted our practice greatly Pros: Easy to use Great support Patient friendly Quick and easy Support staff excellent Rosalind. Is the best Patients like it Pricing good

  • s

    you were there when i needed you

  • k

    BirdEye has helped my small agency double our Google reviews in under a week.Their partner system has been a great introduction to how the system works, but also how to help us provide this great tool to our clients as well. We refer people to our page that highlights the latest review that we want to feature that has a scheduling tool built right in. It also has a place where you can feature a recent promotion. See for yourself:

  • k

    Customer Support Representative was clear, concise and polite in resolving my need.

  • a

    Great Service & Easy to Use! Pros: This software really helps in getting feedback from you customers on what they really like. You can address the negative reviews and promote the positives! Allows you to have daily feedback from you customers through either email or text notifications. Cons: I would like to see some added functionality for a business with multiple affiliates/locations. The functionality of the software itself works great though. Overall: This software has helped us to be better able to manage how our customers feel about us.

  • s

    BirdEYE!!!! and i give you a 5 star for this

  • y

    Very helpful!!

  • k

    So far, I am impressed with the ease of use. Pros: I like how everything is put into one link and is much more user friendly for clients. I also like that text messages are sent besides emails.

  • i

    Brilliant for busy professionals! Pros: They sales and support staff. Our rep was amazing and very proactive with my novice experience in the land of G and social sites.

  • s

    I love this service so far, for what I wanted with my business. I wish price was better. Pros: I like the fact that they filter negative reviews before they reach major search engines. This was a major drawback in the prior service I was using. This way I still get to hear the client's cause of dissatisfaction and address the issue directly with them, rather than having to explain myself on the search engines. Cons: I wish they would offer more services like appointment scheduling, confirmations, website management and optimization etc so that I could have everything in one place instead of paying different companies to manage different things. Overall: Receive more reviews for my business that go directly to search engines.

  • t

    Best in the world. Pros: Automation, everything done per scheduled time. Setting up by birdeye by remote into my server, then it just like cruse control. Cons: I wish there is an alarm telling if software not working. There are times that I wonder if it drops one day and I wouldn't find out till weeks passed by.

  • j

    Wish we would've found it sooner! Pros: Easy to use, can customize, nice drip campaign that will send out a text and two emails. Ability to see if clients even clicked the link to start a review. Heath was awesome and it was so easy to get everything set up.

  • n


  • t

    EXCELLENT platform for a company to have their customers provide feedback and reviews. My company has benefited from the technology BirdEye utilizes that allow customers to review on any site ie...Yelp, Google Plus and Facebook and promote to world wide web. Thanks for your great service! Todd Sudeck President The Ding King Training Institute, Inc.

  • m

    Great customer service. Easy to use! Pros: Love being able to keep up with and manage our clients' reviews. In this day and age it is so important to have a good presence on the web and this product helps us to do just that. Cons: Still trying to navigate all its functionality from a management stand point. Trying to find my way around the screens to find the information I need. Overall: Helped us generate reviews and get them posted for greater visibility.

  • s

    I love the way this company is soliciting Reviews from our patients both emails and texts. Also, I like the fact that they ask patient to go directly to the relevant platform to review service rather than our reviews just sitting at Bird eye platform. They also help me filter out the negative reviews and addressing the issue directly with the patient and help them out with whatever displeased them.

  • m

    Customer Support was awesome!!! Pros: Easy to navigate. My customers love it and say how convenient it is for them to use. It has totally boosted my business and I love it. Give it a try and I promise you, you won't regret it!!!!

  • c

    Absolutely love this awesome way to getter done everything you need for your business to succeed...