Keeping customer experiences consistent across multiple business locations can be tough. Every location has its own problems, making it difficult to maintain a strong brand image and keep customers happy.

That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) steps in as a game-changer. AI adoption is skyrocketing, with 72% of organizations now using AI, up from 50% last year. What’s more, 65% of companies rely on generative AI in at least one business function. With advanced analytics and automation, AI helps businesses simplify operations, better understand customer feedback, and respond effectively across different regions.

Birdeye View 2024, which took place from September 10th to 12th, 2024, showcased AI’s power in revolutionizing business strategies, enabling companies to stay ahead of the competition and deliver top-notch customer experience at scale.

How Birdeye is shaping the future of business with innovative AI tools

The AI landscape is evolving rapidly, with trends like generative AI and predictive analytics leading the way. Birdeye is at the forefront of these advancements with tools like BirdAI, which harness the power of generative AI to automate responses and provide actionable insights.

At Birdeye View 2024, Birdeye introduced several new generative AI products set to revolutionize business operations for local brands.

Birdeye Insights AI

Birdeye Insights AI interface next to two women looking at their notes.

Insights AI is a powerful tool that helps businesses gather and analyze customer feedback across multiple channels, including reviews, surveys, and local SEO data. 

With features like omnichannel signals, sentiment analysis, industry benchmarking, and smart AI recommendations, businesses can measure their brand health, track customer sentiment, and compare performance across locations.

This actionable data allows businesses to improve customer experiences, drive growth, and maintain a competitive edge in their industry.

Birdeye Competitors AI

Birdeye Competitors AI interface next to two elderly couples.

Competitors AI provides businesses with comprehensive insights into their competitors’ performance, allowing them to stay ahead in the market. It leverages GenAI to automatically identify competitors and offers real-time benchmarking across key metrics such as reputation, social media activity, and customer sentiment. Businesses can use this data to track their position in the market, refine strategies, and enhance their brand’s reputation.

With features like competitive benchmarking, social media analysis, and AI-driven recommendations, businesses can outperform rivals and make informed decisions.

Birdeye Score

Birdeye Score interface next to a man and woman looking at a tablet.

Birdeye Score is at the heart of Insights AI, offering a comprehensive industry-standard metric that evaluates a brand’s online reputation and customer experience. It integrates three key components: the Sentiment Score (reflecting customer sentiment), the Reputation Score (measuring online presence), and the Listings Score (assessing online visibility and SEO). This holistic metric helps businesses understand how customers find and perceive them, enabling data-driven decisions to improve brand health, performance, and competitive positioning.

Leverage AI to stay ahead of the competition

Want to see the impact of Birdeye’s AI capabilities on your business? Watch the free demo now.

Expert insights from industry leaders

At Birdeye View 2024, industry leaders shared their vision for how AI will shape the future of local businesses. The event kicked off with a fireside chat between Dave Lehman, President and COO of Birdeye, and Josh Linkner, Entrepreneur and NYT Bestselling Author.

Image of Josh Linkner next to Birdeye View 2024 logo.

Linkner emphasized the profound impact of AI, stating:

“AI is the single most profound technical advancement, certainly since the internet itself and perhaps even earlier. It’s one of those foundational elements, like electricity or the wheel.”

– Josh Linkner, Entrepreneur and NYT Bestselling Author

Linkner also highlighted AI’s far-reaching potential for transforming both businesses and life.

Later, Sherwin Wu, Head of Engineering at OpenAI, sat down with Birdeye CMO Deepak Bahree. Wu shared how local brands can leverage AI, particularly through partnerships. He explained:

“Partnering with companies like Birdeye and innovators who build on our platform will enable us to reach every corner of the world, every use case, and bring these benefits into every office and workspace, making them accessible to everyone, everywhere.”

– Sherwin Wu, Head of Engineering at OpenAI
Image of Sherwin Wu, next to Birdeye View 2024 logo.

Wu also addressed common misconceptions about AI, stressing that AI models are still improving, saying, “A lot of people are making a mistake in thinking that this is as good as these models will get, and these models are really good already. I think people are not really prepared for how good some of these models are going to get very soon.”

Sandy Carter, Founder of Unstoppable Domains, shared her perspective on integrating AI while staying focused on core business objectives.

The image of Sandy Carter next to the Birdeye View 2024 logo.

Carter also urged businesses to take a strategic approach to using AI.

“Always keep business goals front and center. That’s why I love startups and small to medium businesses – they always tend to look at their objectives, not just treating it as an AI project. In my mind, first principles still apply: use AI only where it matters for your business. Don’t pursue AI just because it’s AI.”

Sandy Carter, Founder of Unstoppable Domains

On day two, Brian Crook, Google’s Head of Cloud AI, discussed AI’s role in transforming reviews and customer experiences.

The image of Brian Crook next to the Birdeye View 2024 logo.

Crook emphasized the lasting relevance of online reviews, stating:

“I think online reviews are absolutely going to stay relevant and perhaps even get more important depending on how AI evolves. The key thing for all of these is to strike the right balance between automation and human interaction, ensuring an authentic personalized experience with the customer.”

– Brian Crook, Google’s Head of Cloud AI

Birdeye View 2024 also featured expert panels from the dental, healthcare, finance, property management, and storage sectors who shared their unique perspectives on the current economic landscape. They also revealed how they’re leveraging AI to stay ahead of the curve and outpace competitors.

The image of Allison Ross next to the Birdeye View 2024 logo.

“When we analyze our competition, we leverage Birdeye to compare our reviews and star ratings with similar apartment complexes. Birdeye’s insights give us a competitive edge by showing us how we perform against competitors.”

Allison Ross, Sr. Marketing Specialist at Fairlawn Real Estate

These expert insights reflect the transformative potential of AI and offer clear strategies for businesses to stay competitive in the age of artificial intelligence.

Practical takeaways for businesses

Businesses can take away several key lessons from Birdeye View 2024:

1. Enhance customer experience: AI tools like Birdeye Insights AI help businesses deeply understand customer feedback, allowing for tailored responses that improve overall satisfaction.

2. Gain a competitive edge: With Birdeye Competitors AI, businesses can stay informed on competitors’ strategies and make proactive adjustments, ensuring they maintain a leading position in the market.

3. Leverage AI for streamlined operations: AI’s real-time insights allow businesses to automate decision-making processes, freeing up valuable time for teams to focus on customer engagement and growth strategies.

4. Improve brand health: Businesses can use Birdeye Score to get a comprehensive view of their brand’s performance across locations. This metric combines customer sentiment, online presence, and SEO visibility, helping them address issues quickly and boost their online reputation.

5. Focus on personalization: Businesses can utilize Birdeye’s AI tools to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with individual customer preferences and behavior. This unique approach enables personalized interactions that foster customer loyalty and retention, leading to more meaningful connections.

The future is AI, and Birdeye is leading the charge

As competition heats up, multi-location businesses can no longer afford to overlook the benefits of AI. Tools like Birdeye Insights AI and Competitors AI give companies the power to unlock rich customer insights, optimize their operations, and deliver personalized experiences at scale.

“You’re really in good hands if you invest today in the Birdeye platform.”

– Brian Crook, Google’s Head of Cloud AI

Want to explore how Birdeye’s AI solutions can help transform your business for the better? Watch our free demo to learn more.

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