With 87% of businesses considering Facebook a crucial part of their marketing toolkit, as highlighted by a Birdeye survey, mastering this platform is essential for any business’s success. From compelling content to targeted ads, harnessing Facebook’s power can help you capture millions of customers and drive tangible results.

One of the many advantages this platform offers its 3.3 billion users is the Facebook Ad Library. But mind you, this isn’t just a repository; it’s a secret weapon for businesses who know how to capitalize on it to understand market dynamics, competitor tactics, and audience preferences. 

We’ve written this blog to help your business leverage this powerful tool to create impactful ads. 

In this blog, you’ll learn: 

  • 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ad Library that your competitors wish you didn’t know
  • How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips 
  • A powerful platform you need to dominate your social media reputation management 

Scroll down to read!

What is the Facebook Ads Library? 

The Facebook Ad Library is a free research tool that provides everyone the transparency to look into the ads run on the platform and across its associated products, including Instagram. 

It is now rebranded to Meta Ad Library, which allows anyone—whether they’re a Facebook user or not—to search and view ads that are currently active or have been run in the past.

The Facebook Ad Library serves many users, including marketers, researchers, and the general public.

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

It’s a powerful tool for anyone looking to gain more insight. Here’s an overview of what the Facebook Ad Library offers: 

  1. Transparency 
  2. Search and filter 
  3. Ad details 
  4. Archive 
  5. Global access 
  6. Cross-platform visibility

Let’s discuss each of these offerings in detail. 


One of the primary purposes of the Facebook Ad Library is to increase transparency in advertising, especially in the realm of issues, electoral or political ads. This move largely responded to criticisms regarding the platform’s role in disseminating misinformation and the lack of clarity about who is behind certain ads.

Search and filter

Users can search for ads using various filters, such as the advertiser’s name, content, and the region where the ad is active.  

Ad details

The library provides detailed information for each ad, including the ad’s creative (such as images or videos), text, the date the ad started running, spending, and impression data.

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.


The Ad Library maintains an archive of ads for up to seven years, allowing for historical research and analysis.

Global access

This globally accessible tool makes your Facebook marketing more effective by offering insights into ads running in different countries. This feature is particularly useful for multinational campaigns or comparative marketing analysis.

Cross-platform visibility

Since Facebook owns multiple platforms, including Instagram, Messenger, and the Audience Network, the Ad Library provides visibility into ads across these services. 

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

How to access the Facebook Ad Library?

The first step is simple: Navigate to Meta Ad Library

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

Within the Facebook Ad Library, you’ll notice the search bar. 

Select the country you want to see ads for, and then select “All Ads” from the adjacent dropdown. 

Now, let’s explore how you can use it to your advantage. 

11 ways to use Facebook Ads Library as your free research tool 

Here are 11 insightful ways to leverage the Facebook Ads Library to enhance your marketing strategies:

Way 1: Competitive analysis

Way 2: Ad inspiration

Way 3: Target audience insights

Way 4: Message and copywriting analysis

Way 5: Trendspotting

Way 6: Benchmarking ad frequency

Way 7: Landing page insights

Way 8: Influencer collaboration insights

Way 9: Crisis management examples

Way 10: Ad tech elements

Way 11: Event-driven advertising insights

Let’s discuss its practical steps in detail: 

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

Way 1: Competitive analysis

Use the Facebook Ad Library to study your competitors’ advertising strategies. 

  • Analyze the types of ads they are running, the messaging they use, and how frequently they launch new campaigns. This information can help you identify trends and successful tactics in your industry.
  • Look back at the ads they ran during specific seasons or events. This historical data can inform your strategies for similar upcoming occasions.

Way 2: Ad inspiration

If you’re facing a creative block, the Ads Library can be a great source of inspiration. 

  • Browse ads from different industries or top-performing brands to spark new ideas for your campaigns.
  • Observe the types of active ads. These will help you understand what is acceptable according to Facebook’s advertising policies, reducing the risk of rejecting your ads.

Way 3: Target audience insights

Although you can’t see the exact targeting details, you can infer the target audience based on the ad content and advertised products or services. 

  • Study ads from different geographic regions to uncover localized marketing strategies. This is particularly useful for regional or global campaigns.
  • Utilize the demographic and geographic data from ad engagements to better understand who engages with ads like yours. 

Way 4: Message and copywriting analysis

  • Study the ad copy of successful ads to understand what type of language and tone resonates with your audience and improve your copywriting skills. 
  • Evaluate the messaging styles, call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and content formats (videos, images, carousels). 
It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

Way 5: Trendspotting

  • Keep an eye on emerging trends in ad creative, messaging, and formats. 
  • Explore how industries unrelated to yours use Facebook advertising. Innovative approaches and creative strategies can sometimes be adapted from different sectors to stand out in your market.
It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

Way 6: Benchmarking ad frequency

  • Monitor how often brands in your sector launch new ads. This can help you gauge an appropriate frequency for your campaigns to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.
  • Observe how long ads have been running. Ads that have been active for a longer period are likely performing well. 

Way 7: Landing page insights

Many ads will direct users to a landing page. Analyzing these pages can offer valuable insights into how businesses structure their post-click experience and convert prospects.

  • Examine the landing pages linked from ads to assess how advertisers optimize user experience and conversion paths. 
  • Observe the messaging consistency between the ads and their corresponding landing pages. 

Maximize ROI with Insights from Facebook Ad Library

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Way 8: Influencer collaboration insights

  • Examine ads that feature influencers or thought leaders to identify potential collaboration opportunities for your brand. 
  • Analyze the execution of influencer-driven campaigns to understand how brands leverage influencer credibility and content styles to enhance their advertising effectiveness.

Way 9: Crisis management examples

  • Observe how brands use advertising during crises or public relations challenges. Learning from their approaches can help you prepare or refine your crisis communication plans.
  • Leverage the archive feature to examine how companies have handled previous crises through advertising. This retrospective view can provide valuable lessons on effective (or ineffective) crisis communication strategies. 

Way 10: Ad tech elements

  • Explore how advertisers integrate technologies like AR, VR, and interactive elements in their ads. 
  • Analyze which ad formats and creative tools are gaining traction and driving engagement. 
Need a finer way to advertise your brand? Incorporate geofencing marketing the right way. Read this blog to make this strategy yeild 10x ROI!

Way 11: Event-driven advertising insights

  • Analyze how brands use the Facebook Ad Library to promote webinars, product launches, or sales. Note their timing, ad creative, and messaging strategies. 
  • Gain insights into the audience targeting and retargeting strategies employed for event promotion so that you can refine your campaigns.
It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

How do you outshine your competitors’ ad strategies with the Facebook Ad Library?

To provide unique value beyond the Facebook Ad Library uses, here are five specific steps businesses can take to outshine their competitors’ ad strategies:

  1. Ad sequencing analysis
  2. Creative asset diversification
  3. A/B test rigorously
  4. Reaction to market events
  5. Localization strategies

1. Ad sequencing analysis

By understanding the messaging sequence and themes, you can identify patterns or strategies in their ad campaigns. With this insight, you can design more nuanced and strategic ad sequences that keep your audience engaged over time.

What you should do: Dive into the chronological order in which competitors release different types of ads.

2. Creative asset diversification

Identify gaps or over-reliance on certain formats and differentiate your strategy by diversifying your creative assets. Doing this ensures you retain your audience’s attention across all media types.

What you should do: Analyze the variety of creative assets your competitors use, including video, image, carousel, and text ads.

3. A/B test rigorously

While you can’t see direct A/B testing results in the Ad Library, you can infer testing strategies by observing slight variations in your competitors’ ads. Use these insights to inform your own A/B testing hypotheses. 

What you should do: Monitor elements that your competitors tweak, such as headlines, images, and CTAs. 

It is officially rebranded to the Meta Ad Library. Read more in our blog.This image is for the Birdeye blog on 11 clever ways to use Facebook Ads Library to outshine your competitors. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about How to outshine your competitors with our proven tips.

4. Reaction to market events

Pay attention to how quickly and effectively competitors respond to market events or trends with their ad campaigns. If they are slow to react or miss out on key events, you can capitalize on this by being more agile and responsive in your ad strategy. 

What you should do: Observe whether your competitors are proactive or reactive with their advertising in response to market events. Proactive companies predict changes and adapt quickly, while reactive companies adjust their advertising events afterward. 

5. Localization strategies

If your competitors are global, analyze how they adapt their ads for different regions or languages. Understanding their approach to localization can provide insights into cultural nuances and regional preferences, allowing you to refine your localized ad strategies for better engagement and resonance with international audiences.

What you should do: Analyze how well your competitors’ ads resonate with the audience during specific market events. An audience who feels relatable with your ads strengthens customer loyalty and brand perception.

FAQs on Facebook Ad Library

Can I see any ads on Facebook Ad Library?

Yes, the Facebook Ad Library allows you to see all active ads running on Facebook and its associated platforms and an archive of political and issue-related ads.

How can businesses use the Facebook Ad Library?

Businesses can use the Ads Library to research competitors’ ad strategies, understand market trends, gain creative inspiration, and ensure transparency in their advertising practices.

Are Instagram ads included in the Facebook Ad Library?

Yes, since Facebook owns Instagram, the Ads Library includes ads from Instagram, offering a comprehensive view of advertising across both platforms.

How can I search for ads in the Facebook Ad Library?

You can search for ads in the Library using various filters, such as the advertiser’s name, the ad’s content, and the region where the ad is running, to find specific ads or types of ads.

How can businesses use the Facebook Ad Library for competitive analysis?

Businesses can use the Ads Library to study competitors’ ad strategies, analyze ad content and formats, track ad frequency, and gather insights for improving their ad campaigns.

How can I use the Facebook Ad Library for marketing inspiration?

Marketers can use the Ad Library to analyze competitors’ ads, explore different industries for creative ideas, search for keywords to find relevant ads, and utilize filters to refine their searches for more specific insights​. 

Secrets to ad success start with Facebook Ad Library and reputation domination with Birdeye Social 

In today’s competitive marketplace, mastering strategic insights and cohesive reputation management is crucial for standing out. The Facebook Ad Library offers an unparalleled view of your competitor’s strategies, allowing you to stay one step ahead. Meanwhile, Birdeye Social can become your go-to for maintaining a stellar reputation online and creating a robust online presence that engages audiences and builds trust.

With AI-powered Birdeye Social, you get:

  • Comprehensive reputation monitoring 
  • Engage with customer feedback 
  • Enhanced customer insights 
  • Boost online visibility 
  • Data-driven decision-making 

These powerful tools ensure that your advertising efforts are effective while cultivating a strong, positive brand reputation that resonates with your audience.

Are you ready to capitalize on its success? 

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