Review Management

All of your reviews. All in one place.

Use AI to effortlessly manage and respond to every customer review from one intuitive dashboard.

All of your reviews. All in one place.
Review Dashboard

One dashboard for all your reviews

Monitor reviews from over 200+ reviews in a unified dashboard. Easily tag them, respond to them, or assign them to a rep as a ticket.

read and reply from a single inbox
AI-Assisted Responses

Write the perfect review reply with AI

Write personalized review replies at scale with help from AI. Ask BirdAI to generate tailored responses from scratch or rephrase your replies to ensure they're on-brand, empathetic, and consistent. Fix grammar and change tone and length with ease.

Reply with AI
Review Translation

Translate reviews and replies

You don’t need a translator to serve multilingual customers. Birdeye Reviews will automatically translate reviews into English — then translate your response in your customer’s language.

Translate reviews and replies
Review Summary

Understand review sentiment with AI

Summarize the sentiment of hundreds of reviews with a single click to quickly learn what’s working — and what isn't. Create reports by location and share with ease.

Digest review data
Review Alerts

Get notified of new reviews instantly

Don't let missed reviews become missed opportunities. Get notified of every new review so you can read and respond in seconds from your desktop or mobile app.

stay on top of new review
Spam Detection

Target and tackle fake reviews

Don't let fake reviews ruin your reputation. We’ll find and flag spam so you don’t have to.

spam detection
Response Templates

Save time with pre-written replies

Effortlessly engage without extra effort. Save your team time and show customers you’re listening with customizable review response templates.

save time with pre-written replies
Response Automation

Trigger automated review replies

Create custom automatic responses for specific review sources, locations, or star ratings to engage your customers without lifting a finger.

reply at scale
Review Reports

Measure reputation across locations

Measure review count and reputation score over time and across locations. Create and share customized reports with local teams.

measure success with personalized reports

Uncover actionable insights from customer reviews

Identify trends. Implement changes. Improve your workflows. With review insights, you have everything you need to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

More about Insights
use reviews to create happier customers

Do more with Birdeye Reviews

Review Generation

Use industry leading automation to create a steady stream of fresh reviews across Google, Facebook, and other leading sites.

Review Marketing

Showcase, share, and scale your reviews to build trust with customers everywhere they’re searching.

2,928 reviews
564 reviews

Birdeye outranks the competition

Demo Birdeye and outrank yours.

Call us: 1-800-561-3357Book demo
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