User-generated content like customer reviews is a helpful tool that allows brands to leverage social proofs to reach prospective customers in a way that is genuine, trustworthy, personalized and scalable and increase conversion rate.

5 reasons why you should use customer reviews to increase conversion rate

  1. Reviews are a good way to avoid information overload
  2. Customers look for social proofs
  3. Shoppers trust genuine content
  4. Reviews are scalable
  5. Reviews are personalized

Reviews are a good way to avoid information overload

Your customers are flooded with promotional content every day.

Research shows that the number of branded messages customers receive per day has nearly tripled, from 3,500 to 10,000 in the last decade.

It’s a fact that customers want to know more about products and services, but without information overload. Reviews fall between an overload of information and effectively interacting with customers. Moreover, they are reliable customer experiences using which you can increase conversion rate by supporting new customers in making informed decisions.

Customers look for social proofs

While customers are actively trying to keep away from advertisements, they are always looking for user-generated content like reviews. A study shows that people spend an average of 50 minutes on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter every day. They look for customer reviews, opinions, and pictures.

Customers these days are greatly influenced by what their friends and family are saying, thinking and buying. The idea is that other people’s experiences influence your prospective customers, which is why you must not ignore customer reviews.

Social proofs such as customer reviews allow you to showcase customer’s good experiences with your brand, spark shopper’s interest, influence their behavior throughout the purchase journey and increase conversion rate.  These reviews are social proofs that your customers are always looking for. It’s a great idea to share your positive reviews on all your social media pages.

Read also: Fact: you always need more online review

Shoppers trust genuine content

User-generated content like customer reviews is real content from real customers about their genuine experience with the product or service.

People ignore advertisements because they feel advertisements are artificial and disingenuous. On the other hand, customer reviews provide an emotional touch for the customers as they imagine themselves in the shoes of the reviewer and identify with their experience.

A great way to leverage customer reviews is displaying them next to your best-selling products on your website.

Reviews are scalable

Reviews can easily be marketed in different forms like images, videos, social media posts and copy on online ads and direct marketing materials. Your business’ customer reviews can become your brand’s voice and increase conversion rate. Optimize the conversion rate to boost your revenue significantly.

A Facebook case study shows that adding customer reviews to your Facebook Ads increase click-through rates by 300%, and decrease both cost-per-click and cost-per-acquisition by 50%.

Reviews are personalized

45% of online buyers are more likely to buy from websites offering personalized customer testimonials.

Customer reviews are personalized to the extent where they address pain points of the customers and lets you delve deep into the buyer’s experience with the product or service.

Reviews add a personal touch to your business by connecting prospective customers with existing customers and increase conversion rate.

Businesses like yours constantly face the challenge of creating fresh, valuable content for the customers and search engines. Reviews hit the right note for customers and businesses because prospective customer trust buyers much more than the business’ marketing content. It’s all about real people and their experiences.

The Bottomline

The key to using customer reviews to increase conversion rate is getting more positive reviews for your business and sharing them on your social media pages. Your customers are your brand’s best advocates. Amplifying their voices can broaden your reach, increase your business’ visibility and create a community of loyal customers.

Birdeye’s review generation solution makes it easy to get a steady stream of reviews and make the most out of them.

Want to try? Sign up for a free trial now!