Online reviews wield immense power. Yet, lurking amidst the genuine feedback are deceptive whispers—fake reviews. They can tarnish your image and mislead customers. 

According to a Birdeye survey, customers check online reviews 68% of the time before engaging with a local business. 

This makes it super important for you to showcase positive reviews and filter fake reviews to safeguard your brand’s integrity. 

To make fake review checkers a trusted ally in your brand reputation management, this blog explores the tools, tactics, and strategies.

We’ll guide you through the maze so that you can know how to combat fake reviews. 

What are fake review checkers?

Fake review checkers are tools or services designed to identify and flag potentially deceptive reviews online. This helps businesses and consumers maintain trust in online testimonials.

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
An example of a fake review and how a brand responds to it.

Why you might be getting fake reviews?

If you’ve noticed a surge in suspicious reviews, understanding ‘the why’ is crucial. Here are a few explanations we found why you might be getting fake reviews:

1. Competitive interference

Competitors seeking an unfair advantage might post fake negative reviews to damage your business’s reputation.

2. Disgruntled people

Unhappy customers or employees might use fake reviews as a form of retaliation or to express grievances anonymously.

Looking to ways on how to deal with difficult customers? Here are the 14 steps.

3. Online trolling or mischief

Some individuals engage in online mischief, posting fake reviews without a genuine connection to your business.

4. Incentivized reviews gone wrong

Offering incentives for reviews may lead to misuse, with individuals exploiting the system to post fake positive or negative reviews.

5. Automated or bot-generated reviews

Malicious bots can be programmed to leave fake reviews at scale, indiscriminately targeting businesses.

6. Lack of review verification measures

If your review platform lacks robust verification measures, it becomes easier for fake reviews to go undetected.

7. Failure to manage online reputation

Businesses neglecting their online reputation may become more susceptible to fake reviews, as they may not actively monitor and address such issues.

Pro tip: Use Birdeye’s Review platform to centralize review monitoring, generation, and marketing from various platforms for a unified view. 

It helps you to: 

  • Automate review requests
  • Monitor reviews on 200+ sites 
  • Translate reviews and responses with AI 
  • Use AI to personalize your review replies 
  • Use positive review examples to respond 
  • Get real-time alerts whenever you receive a new review 
  • Gain insights into how your online reputation compares with others

Identifying the source helps you take targeted actions, protects your business’s online reputation, and prevents fake reviews.

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.

Benefits of using fake review checker & why businesses need it

Businesses need a fake review checker because it offers many benefits. Here are a few of them: 

1. Maintaining credibility

By employing a fake review checker, your business gains the ability to sift through and filter out deceptive reviews, ensuring that the ones showcased are genuine. This enhances the credibility of your online reputation. 

Must-read: How to identify fake dental reviews 

2. Informed decision-making

The insights fake review checkers provide empower your business to make informed decisions based on authentic customer feedback.

Understanding your strengths and areas for improvement becomes more precise, guiding strategic choices that resonate with your customer base.

3. Protecting reputation

Fake review checkers allow your business to proactively manage its brand strategy. Identifying and addressing potential issues before they escalate helps maintain a positive image, demonstrating responsiveness and commitment to customer satisfaction.

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
An example of a brand tackling a review

4. Customer trust and loyalty

Authenticity matters to customers. A fake review checker helps you showcase real customer feedback, building trust and fostering loyalty. 

When consumers perceive your business as transparent and genuine, they are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates.

5. Efficient resource allocation

Save time and resources by focusing on legitimate reviews that impact your business. A fake review checker streamlines the review management process, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently toward areas that genuinely contribute to your business growth.

6. Positive online presence

Ensuring that your online reviews accurately reflect your customers’ positive experiences contributes to a favorable online presence. A fake review checker aids in cultivating and promoting this positivity, influencing the perception of your brand in the digital space.

Cultivating Trust Online: Use Fake Review Checkers to Improve Your Online Reputation

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How to spot fake reviews – 5 common signs 

Fake reviews are found everywhere, including Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Recognizing them is essential for maintaining the integrity of your online reputation.

Here are the five common signs to look out for:

  1. Generic language
  2. Patterns in the reviewer’s behavior
  3. Extreme positivity or negativity
  4. Excessive use of keywords or phrases
  5. Conflicting information within the review

A keen eye coupled with reliable fake review checker tools helps you maintain the integrity of your online reviews. 

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
Example of a brand responding to a negative review on their Google Business Profile.

Jump to the ‘5 signs a Google review might be a fake’ section to know more about it

Top fake review checker tools you can trust

From advanced algorithms to AI-powered solutions, these top fake review checker tools in 2023 can help businesses and consumers combat deceptive online reviews: 

1. Fakespot 

What it is: A renowned fake review detector from Mozilla, it is known for its algorithmic approach, analyzing patterns and language. 

What makes its fake review-checking believable: 

Whether you want to analyze fake reviews on Amazon, Walmart, or Best Buy, Fakespot assesses patterns, language use, and reviewer behavior, providing users with a reliable analysis of the authenticity of online reviews.

2. ReviewMeta

What it is: ReviewMeta is a fake review spotter tool that evaluates and filters product reviews on major eCommerce review sites.

What makes its fake review-checking believable: ReviewMeta’s thorough analysis focuses on specific review patterns. This ensures a trustworthy assessment of the authenticity of customer feedback and minimizes the impact of fake reviews. 

3. Birdeye’s Review management 

What it is: Though not categorically a fraudulent detector tool, Birdeye’s review management platform incorporates fake review checking into a broader review management platform. 

It reviews over 200 review sites and finds and flags spam automatically, so you don’t have to.

What makes its fake review-checking believable:  Birdeye combines AI with human intelligence, providing a holistic approach to detecting fake reviews while offering businesses a complete suite. 

Like how fake review checkers safeguard your online reputation, explore how Birdeye’s transparent pricing ensures you get effective solutions without hidden costs. 
This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.

Are fake reviews illegal?

Deceptive practices like posting fake reviews are indeed illegal. Fake reviews can have serious consequences for businesses as they violate consumer protection and false advertising laws.

Employing a trustworthy fake review checker becomes a proactive measure to combat illegal practices.

5 signs a Google review might be fake

Google reviews are the foundation of your business’s online reputation. Consumers trust Google reviews more than their customers’ testimonials.

So, they significantly influence consumer decisions. However, the prevalence of fake reviews has become a challenge, making distinguishing between authentic and fraudulent reviews essential.

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
An example of a detailed review left by a customer. This review is everything that a fake review is not.

Apart from the common signs to spot fake reviews mentioned above, here are five signs you’ll notice if you receive a fake review on Google: 

1. Reviewer anonymity

An anonymous reviewer raises suspicion as genuine users usually provide a name or photo. This lack of identity makes it challenging to validate the review’s credibility, leaving room for potential deception.

As of May 28, 2018, leaving an anonymous Google review is no longer possible. Google has even deleted all previously posted anonymous reviews.

2. Unusual reviewer activity

Sudden spikes in review activity or a surge in reviews within a short time frame may indicate a coordinated effort to deceive. Authentic reviews tend to be more sporadic, reflecting genuine customer experiences

3. Similar language across reviews

Repeated phrases in multiple reviews often indicate fake ones. A similar language tricks readers into thinking the reviews are from many real customers with different experiences. This creates an illusion of legitimacy and deceives readers. 

4. Unverified purchase claims

Reviews claiming a purchase without verification, especially on Google Business profiles, are red flags. Genuine reviews often include details about the purchase, while fake reviews don’t. 

Unverified claims deceive potential buyers as they are often fabricated by presenting fictional experiences.

5. Lack of response to inquiries

Genuine reviewers are typically willing to engage and provide additional information if asked. A lack of response to inquiries may signal that the reviewer is not genuinely invested in sharing their experience, potentially indicating deceptive motives.

How to report fake negative Google reviews? 

Now you know all the ten ways to identify a fake review on Google and other third-party review sites, taking action against fake negative reviews is essential. 

You can use Google Maps or Google Search to report an inappropriate review for removal. Here’s how to report them effectively:

Flag a review in Google Maps in 3 steps

1. Open Google Maps

2. Go to your Google Business profile

3. Locate the review you’d like to report

Click More (with three dots) and then select ‘Flag as inappropriate.’

Flag a review in Google Search in 3 steps 

1. Find your Google Business Profile 

2. Navigate to the “Reviews” section and find the fake negative review you want to report.

3. Click More (with three dots) ‘Report review’ and then select ‘Flag as inappropriate.’

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
A GIF showing how to flag a review on Google

Are negative reviews fake reviews? 

No, negative reviews are not inherently fake reviews. Negative reviews can be genuine dissatisfaction from customers who have had less-than-optimal experiences with a product, service, or business. 

These reviews often provide valuable feedback that businesses can use to identify areas for improvement.

However, it’s essential to distinguish between authentic negative reviews and fake negative reviews. Fake negative reviews are intentionally deceptive and fabricated to harm a business’s reputation. They may come from competitors, disgruntled individuals, or even automated systems.

Use a fake review checker to address each appropriately.

This image is for the blog on fake review checker. The pic depicts Birdeye's product dashboard. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. Read the blog for more. The pic is a fake review exmaple and shows how a brand handles a fake review.
A professional reply to a negative review.

FAQs about fake review checkers 

What are the common signs of fake reviews?

Here are the common signs: 
1. Generic language
2. Extreme positivity or negativity
3. Reviewer anonymity
4. Patterned language
5. Unusual reviewer activity
6. Similar language across reviews
7. Inconsistent details
8. Overuse of keywords
9. Unverified purchase claims
10. Lack of response to inquiries

How do fake review checkers work?

Fake review checkers use algorithms and pattern recognition to analyze reviews and identify potential instances of deception.

Are all negative reviews considered fake?

No, negative reviews can be genuine expressions of dissatisfaction. Fake negative reviews are intentionally fabricated to cause harm.

Can businesses trust the results from Fake Review Checkers?

While no tool is foolproof, reputable fake review checkers with advanced algorithms provide reliable insights. Combining technology with human review is the most effective approach.

Can fake review checkers remove fake reviews?

While fake review checkers can highlight potential fakes, removal depends on platform policies. Most platforms provide a reporting mechanism for reviewing disputes.

Can businesses take legal action against fake reviewers?

Yes, businesses can pursue legal action against individuals or entities involved in posting fake reviews, citing consumer protection laws.

Is it possible to completely eliminate fake reviews online?

While challenging, concerted efforts from businesses, consumers, and technology can significantly reduce the prevalence of fake reviews.

Complement fake review checkers effectively with Birdeye platforms

Enhance your online reputation management strategy by complementing fake review checkers with Birdeye’s comprehensive platforms. Birdeye provides a holistic solution for multi-location businesses, from review monitoring to customer engagement. 

Click on the banner to get started.

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