Targeting the right platform is key to social media success. No wonder Facebook leads the charge, as 87% of Birdeye’s 150,000+ business customers consider it crucial, primarily because it’s where their target audience is most active.

Facebook’s data contains valuable insights into how your audience interacts with your content. However, understanding these insights can be overwhelming. That’s where Facebook analytics tools come into play.

What are Facebook analytics tools? 
Facebook analytics tools are software solutions that analyze data from your business pages, ads, and audience interactions.

These tools turn the vast amount of data your Facebook page generates (likes, comments, shares, reach, etc.) into insights you can understand and use. Imagine them as translators, transforming raw data into actionable insights so you can track: 

  • Performance metrics: To assess what’s working and what’s not with your content.
  • Audience demographics: To know who your ideal customer/audience is.
  • Behaviors and content engagement: To test how to get the most out of your Facebook marketing efforts.

This blog explores thirteen powerful Facebook analytics tools, available in free and paid versions, designed to help you maximize your data.

Here are 13 examples of popular Facebook analytics tools: 

1. Birdeye Social 
2. Meta Business Suite 
3. Sprout Social 
4. Buffer 
5. Hootsuite 
6. Buzzsumo  
7. Loomly 
8. Brandwatch
9. Iconosquare
10. Agora Pulse
11. Quintly
12. Keyhole 
13. Fanpage Karma 
This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

Why do you need Facebook analytics tools?

Facebook analytics tools are not just about vanity metrics – they’re essential to making data-driven decisions and maximizing your ROI on Facebook.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

1. Go beyond vanity metrics

Don’t rely merely on “likes” and follower counts, as they won’t put up a clear picture. Use Facebook analytics tools to delve deeper. 

Why does it matter? 
They track performance metrics like reach, impressions, engagement (likes, comments, shares), click-through rates, and conversions. This data helps you understand what content resonates with your audience and what's falling flat.

2. Understand your ideal audience

Facebook analytics tools provide demographic information about your audience. You’ll learn about their age, location, interests, and online behavior. 

Why does it matter? 
Understanding your audience demographics allows you to craft targeted messaging that speaks directly to their needs and interests. This increases engagement and ultimately drives better results.

3. Identify top performers

Analytics tools help you identify your most successful content. See which posts organically reached a wider audience and received high engagement. 

Why does it matter? 
Analyze successful posts to understand what resonated with your audience (text format, visuals, video content, etc.) and use those insights to optimize future content for maximum impact.

4. Analyze competitor strategies

All Facebook analytics tools enable you to monitor your competitors’ top-performing content on Facebook, allowing you to assess industry trends and competitor strategies effectively.

Why does it matter? 
Analyzing competitor performance, you can identify successful content formats and topics that might work for your audience. This helps you stay relatable and become a thought leader. 

5. Measure ROI

If you’re running Facebook Ads, analytics tools track their performance and measure your ROI. 

Why does it matter? 
By tracking ad performance, you can allocate your advertising budget more effectively towards campaigns, generating leads, sales, or conversions.

Benefits of using Facebook analytics tools 

Here are some benefits you get when you start using Facebook analytics tools: 

  • Uncover hidden insights
  • Boost customer satisfaction
  • Seek scope for improvement

Let’s understand these in detail: 

Uncover hidden insightsBoost customer satisfactionSeek scope for improvement
Find what content your audience ignores and try new fresh ideas and formats.Address customer service issues raised in comments before they snowball.Track brand mentions and sentiment analysis to understand brand perception and identify PR opportunities.
Identify your most engaged followers, allowing you to nurture brand loyalty through special offers or recognition.Refine audience targeting based on demographics and interests for both organic posts and paid ads, maximizing impact.Make informed choices about content strategy, ad spend allocation, and overall Facebook marketing based on concrete data.
Did you know that Facebook offers free analytics tools for post tracking? 

These are available through the Meta Business Suite. You can track key metrics like reach, engagement (likes, comments, shares), impressions, and clicks.

Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool

Social media managers have a specific wishlist. We spoke to Jody Mayers, Birdeye’s Social Media Manager, and here are some key features she looks for in her ideal Facebook analytics tool:

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

1. Deep audience insights

For today’s marketer, understanding their audience goes beyond demographics. Psychographic insights – those that reveal passions, aspirations, and online habits – are the holy grail. 

Imagine crafting content that taps into a customer’s deepest “why” and resonates on a whole new level!

2. Advanced content performance tracking

Engagement is great, but you need specifics. Social media engagement by content type is a must-have. 

It answers the “why” behind what made that infographic outperform the listicle.  

Knowing where user attention drops off in my posts is gold for optimizing future content, so heatmaps and scroll depth tracking would be killer too. 

Many marketers spend too much time guessing at what’s working. They need a platform that eliminates the guesswork. Customizable dashboards that track key metrics side-by-side, like reach versus website clicks, help them understand what drives results.

3. Social listening

Our most engaged followers are like brand loyalists! A good Facebook analytics tool superpower is its ability to identify these social media followers 

Imagine giving them a shoutout or exclusive content – a loyalty boost leading to incredible word-of-mouth marketing.

4.  Competitor analysis

Keeping an eye on competitors is crucial, but it feels like peeking through a keyhole right now. Benchmarking tools that show how the content stacks up against theirs would be a game-changer. 

Understanding how people feel about us online is invaluable.

5. Seamless collaboration

For marketers, efficiency is key. Automated reports would save time, eliminating last-minute scrambling to meet deadlines. Team collaboration features would be fantastic as well. Sharing insights and brainstorming with the team seamlessly is the ultimate dream. 

Imagine if the tool could even provide AI-powered recommendations based on the data. Less time crunching numbers means more time crafting killer content.

And you know what? Jody uses a tool that ticks all her wishlists and is much more than just a Facebook Analytics tool. Meet Birdeye Social, Birdeye’s AI-powered social media management software. 

How do you choose the right Facebook analytics tool?

Based on the checklists our social media manager suggested, choosing the right Facebook analytics tool for your business will depend on factors like: 

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.
  • Your needs: Do you need basic tracking or in-depth analysis? Identify the functionalities most important to you, such as competitor analysis, advanced reporting, or social listening.
  • Free vs. paid tools: Several free options exist (like Meta Insights, Buffer Analyze free plan), but advanced features often require paid subscriptions.
  • Ease of use: Some tools are user-friendly, while others require more technical expertise. Consider your team’s comfort level when choosing a tool.
  • Integrations: Consider your workflow and preferred CRM integrations. Some tools integrate with other social media platforms to enhance their functionality.
  • Free trials: Many paid tools offer free trials, allowing you to test-drive the features before committing.
  • Read customer reviews: See what other users say about the tool’s ease of use, customer support, and overall value.
  • Look for case studies: See how similar businesses have used the tool to achieve their goals.
  • Compare pricing plans: Understand the features of different tiers and choose the plan that best fits your budget and needs.
A commonly asked question by most of our customers is how to use Facebook analytics tools to grow your business.

Here’s what we suggest them: 
✅Track winning Facebook posts 
✅Understand your audience
✅ Schedule content for peak times

Grow your business by creating what resonates and thank us later! 

Now you know about it all, let’s explore the thirteen popular Facebook analytics tools in 2024. 

13 Facebook analytics tools to decode your data in 2024

While all these 13 tools qualify as Facebook analytics tools to some degree, some offer a broader range of social media reputation management features, and they all include functionalities related to Facebook analytics. 

Let’s explore the tools in detail: 

#1. Birdeye Social

Birdeye’s Social media analytics software goes beyond simple Facebook metrics, helping you unlock the full potential of your social media marketing investment.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

Why should you consider Birdeye Social as your go-to Facebook analytics tool? 

  • Design personalized dashboards that display the metrics that matter most to you.
  • Automate reports tailored to specific campaigns, audience segments, or content types.
  • Analyze overall engagement and how different elements within your content perform. 
  • Harness user-friendly visualizations of data reports in table or chart format. 
  • Manage your business’s other social media profiles from a single platform.
  • Respond to comments and messages efficiently.
  • Track brand mentions across social media platforms.

In addition to deep audience insights, actionable content recommendations, and streamlined workflow features, Birdeye Social also empowers you to: 

  • Craft engaging posts in seconds with AI
  • Accelerate social media publishing with post and asset libraries
  • Automatically share your best reviews on social
  • Upload FB posts from a spreadsheet
  • Suggest trending hashtags 
  • Respond in seconds with AI
  • Find the perfect image for your post
Birdeye Social's sentiment analysis identifies subtle emotional nuances – frustration within positive comments or underlying excitement in seemingly neutral mentions.

How Birdeye Social helped Valley Veterinary Care balance corporate consistency with local authenticity 

Managing social media for 24 locations was overwhelming for Valley Veterinary Care. They needed a centralized solution without sacrificing local engagement.  

That’s when they turned to Birdeye’s Social media management tool

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

Key achievements: 

  • Managed all locations from a single platform. 
  • AI-powered content drives higher Facebook engagement.
  • Tailored messaging resonates with local communities.
  • Analytics fuel content optimization and strategic tweaks.
  • Improved monitoring keeps them ahead of the curve.
Explore Birdeye’s pricing to see how we can enhance your brand's social media reputation that fits your budget. 

2. Meta Business Suite 

Facebook’s official analytics tool provides comprehensive page, ad, and audience insights and the ability to build automated reports and schedule posts across Facebook and Instagram.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Shows metrics on pages, ads, stories, and messaging
  • Audience insights and demographic breakdown
  • Builds automated reports and email digests

3. Sprout Social 

This tool centralizes analytics across all your social networks, including detailed Facebook page and post metrics. It offers team collaboration, customizable reports, and competitive analytics for Facebook pages.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Centralized social inbox across networks
  • Team collaboration tools
  • Competitor analysis and reports
  • Automated publishing and scheduling

4. Buffer 

Buffer offers a simple but effective Facebook analytics feature that is focused on gauging engagement rates over time to optimize posting schedules. It manages multiple Facebook accounts and integrates with other marketing tools.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Simple analytics for posting times
  • Track engagement rates over time
  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Integrations with other marketing tools

5. Hootsuite 

The comprehensive Hootsuite dashboard monitors Facebook brand mentions, hashtags for business, and ads. It provides team workflows, customized Facebook page/post analytics reports, and Facebook ads tracking.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Monitor brand mentions and hashtags
  • Team assignment and approval workflows
  • Customizable analytics reports
  • Ads management and tracking

6. Buzzsumo  

While not exclusively for Facebook, BuzzSumo surfaces the top-performing Facebook content and influential accounts in your niche for content research and influencer outreach.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Find top-performing content and Facebook influencers
  • Monitor competitors’ social strategies
  • Analyze engagement by content type
  • Optional influencer marketplace

7. Loomly 

Tailored for teams, Loomly optimizes your Facebook presence through content libraries, AI-powered best time to post scheduling, post previews, and approval workflows. 

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Brand content library and content calendars
  • Post approvals and role permissions
  • Built-in post preview and optimization
  • Automated best time to post scheduling
This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

8. Brandwatch

This AI-driven listening tool monitors Facebook conversations around your brand, products, and competitors, providing tailored insights and reputational risk management.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • AI-powered social listening and analytics
  • Identify industry trends and insights
  • Competitor benchmarking reports
  • Crisis detection and mitigation tools

9. Iconosquare

Specializing in Facebook and Instagram metrics, Iconosquare delivers in-depth analytics on your Facebook audience demographics, hashtag performance, and influencer identification.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Tracking for Instagram and Facebook analytics
  • Hashtag performance monitoring
  • Influencer identification and analysis
  • Audience demographic breakdowns
Did you know how to get verified on Facebook in just 7 steps? 

10. Agora Pulse

An all-in-one Facebook toolbox covering analytics, social inbox, Facebook ads reporting, content publishing, competition tracking, and ROI measurement.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Social inbox and CRM tools
  • Facebook ad report monitoring
  • Contest/promotion management
  • Automated reports and unlimited data history
This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

11. Quintly

Quintly consolidates Facebook data with other social networks in cross-platform dashboards, reports, and competitive benchmarking for unified analytics.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Cross-platform analytics across social media
  • Customizable dashboard builder
  • Automated PDF/PPT reporting
  • Benchmarking vs. competitors and industry

12. Keyhole 

Focused on real-time hashtag analytics, Keyhole uncovers key Facebook influencers, fans, and advocates while tracking location and impression data.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Real-time hashtag tracking and analytics
  • Influencer marketing metrics like authenticity scores
  • Identifies top fans and brand advocates
  • Location-based analytics

13. Fanpage Karma 

This specialized tool allows you to directly compare and analyze your Facebook page’s content performance metrics against competitors.

Key features that make it a popular Facebook analytics tool: 

  • Facebook page performance comparison tool
  • Post-level content analytics
  • Viral content identification
  • Historical page data access

Make Data Work For You with These Facebook Analytics Tools

Want to see the impact of Birdeye on your business? Watch the Free Demo Now.

10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track 

Although you have the tools, navigating Facebook’s vast data and metrics can be daunting. Whether you publish organic posts, run Facebook Ads, or both, these 10 crucial metrics offer a vital health check for your Facebook presence.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. Birdeye helps businesses improve their customer experience. After reading this article, you'll know more about Why do you need Facebook analytics tools, Features social media managers look for in a Facebook analytics tool and 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

1. Reach and impressions

Reach: This tells you the number of unique people who saw your post.

Impressions: This shows the total number of times your post appeared on screens, including multiple views by the same person.

How to find Facebook impressions?

Here are the steps to find impressions on Facebook:
1. Log in to Facebook and go to your Page
2. Click on the "Insights" tab in the left menu
3. Under the "Overview" tab, scroll down to find the "Total Impressions" metric
To explore in more detail, go to your Page’s Meta Business Suite and click on “Insights.” 

2. Engagement rate

This metric goes beyond Likes and shares. It measures the total number of interactions (Likes, comments, and shares) divided by the reach, expressed as a percentage. A high engagement rate indicates your content resonates with your audience.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. This image shows the 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

3. Click-through rate (CTR)

This metric measures the effectiveness of your call to action (CTA). It’s the number of clicks on your post’s link divided by the number of impressions. A high CTR suggests your audience is interested in what lies beyond the post.

4. Cost per click (CPC) (if running Facebook Ads)

This metric is crucial for paid advertising. It shows the average cost you incur for each click on your ad. Tracking CPC helps optimize your ad spend and target the right audience.

5. Video views

If you use video content, track video views to understand how well your audience consumes this format. Analyze average watch time and completion rate to see if your videos are engaging viewers.

6. Follower growth

Monitor the number of new followers you gain over time. This indicates whether your content is attracting new people and your overall brand awareness is growing.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. This image shows the 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

7. Demographics

Analyze the demographics of your audience, such as age, location, and interests. This helps tailor your content and messaging to resonate with the right people.

8. Post-performance by time & day

Track which days and times your posts see the most reach and engagement. This can help you schedule future content for optimal results.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. This image shows the 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.

9. Website traffic from Facebook

See how many people visit your website after clicking on a link in your Facebook post. This helps you understand how Facebook contributes to your overall website traffic.

10. Brand mentions & sentiment

Look beyond your Facebook Page and use social listening tools to track brand mentions and overall sentiment about your brand on social media. This provides valuable insights into brand perception.

This image is for the Birdeye blog on 13 Facebook analytics tools. This image shows the 10 essential Facebook analytics metrics you must track.
Did you know your customers can't scroll past these 10 customizable social media post templates?

FAQs on Facebook analytics tools

What is the name of Facebook’s analytics tool? 

The name of Facebook’s free analytics tool is Meta Business Suite. It provides a basic yet functional set of tools to understand your Facebook page’s performance.

What are the best free Facebook analytics tools? 

Some of the best Facebook analytics tools are: 
1. Meta Business Suite
2. Buffer Analytics
3. Fanpage Karma 

What are some top Facebook ad analytics tools?

1. Meta Business Suite
2. AdEspresso
3. Sprout Social 
4. Hootsuite 
5. Facebook Ads Manager 

Can analytics help boost organic reach?

Yes, it can help boost organic reach. Regularly analyze posts, run A/B tests, use Stories & Live features, and optimize content length for maximum reach.

Are there paid Facebook analytics tools?

Yes. Consider paid tools for advanced features like social listening, competitor analysis, and in-depth reporting. Birdeye Social is a reliable tool. 

How can I find the right audience to target in the analytics tool?

Use audience insights to analyze demographics and interests to tailor content for the people most matter. 

Birdeye Social – The best Facebook analytics tool for multi-location businesses

Managing multiple Facebook pages can be a nightmare. However, with Birdeye’s Social media analytics tool, you can seamlessly unlock the full potential of Facebook analytics to expand the reach of your multi-location businesses. 

Discover how Birdeye streamlines social media management, personalizes content for each location, and offers actionable insights to boost engagement and growth across your entire Facebook network.

Watch demo